Personal Practice

Our ‘Personal Practice’ audio content focuses on supporting you to create and maintain a daily shamanic practice. You might also be interested in our ‘Personal Practice’ articles.

Earth-Centered Divination

Earth-Centered Divination

Tom Cowan, a highly experienced shamanic practitioner shares with us a technique for seeking wisdom from the world around us. A way to find signs from Nature and Spirit. This presentation includes a 20-minute lesson on Omen Hunting, followed by a 15-min opportunity to...

Calling Back Your Dream

Calling Back Your Dream

During this Audio Journey you will be guided to the mystical Crystal Mountain and the ancient Crystal Healers who await your arrival to support you with reclaiming the DREAM you have always had for your life; the Dream you came to earth to realize. You will receive...

Changing Your Story

Changing Your Story

In order to open up a new story in your life, you have to understand where the current story is coming from. The best approach to a new story is to ask the questions that will open up the dialogue. What and whom do you serve in this life? What do you fear? How are you...

EarthPrayers Qi Gong

EarthPrayers Qi Gong

EarthPrayers Qi Gong is a response to and offering for this potent time of unraveling and reweaving we find our culture and world journeying through. Within Qi Gong, like Yoga, we work towards fully integrated movements, so that the body, breath and mind can move as...

Power and Energy

Power and Energy

Power is life force charge, collected and concentrated. Power flows along the path of attention. Wherever we hold our attention, there is our experience of life. Interviewed by Dr. Steven Farmer, Jade Wah’oo Grigori describes the difference between Power & Energy....

Doubt and Discipline

Doubt and Discipline

Can the uncomfortable travel companion doubt, be a stern teacher commanding you to do work or an ally protecting you? How does discipline interact with doubt as a way to help you move forward? Through song and prayer we can ask spirit to help us remove doubt and old...

Shamanic Mottoes to Guide Your Practice

Shamanic Mottoes to Guide Your Practice

In this audio Jaime discusses several shamanic mottoes that can help you in your daily practice. [media-downloader media_id="4319" texts="Download MP3...

Some Thoughts on Prayer 

Some Thoughts on Prayer 

This audio is a 15 minute talk with SSP board member Lena Stevens. In this audio Lena defines prayer and explains the power it has to break patterns and bring new energies into our lives. She gives examples of powerful ways to pray, and also explores the difference...

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