Interviewed by Dr. Steven Farmer, HeatherAsh Amara shares with us her background and experiences that contribute to the writings and teachings regarding the importance of implementing a shamanic point of view and practice into our daily lives....
Author Profile
HeatherAsh Amara
HeatherAsh Amara
HeatherAsh Amara is dedicated to inspiring depth, creativity, and joy by sharing the most potent tools from a variety of world traditions. She studied and taught extensively with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and continues to teach with the Ruiz family. Raised in Southeast Asia, HeatherAsh has traveled the world from childhood and is continually inspired by the diversity and beauty of human expression and experience. She brings this openhearted, inclusive worldview to her writings and teachings, which are a rich blend of Toltec wisdom, European shamanism, and Buddhism. She lives in Santa Fe and travels and teaches internationally.
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