My introduction to the practice of utiseta was purely accidental. I didn’t know I was doing it. As a child in rural Wisconsin, I had the freedom to roam the woodlands and prairies that were my home. Many times I would walk into a place, quietly gathering twigs,...
Plant Medicine
This is a series of articles and audios that discuss the use of plant medicines in shamanic practice.
Clearing and Protection
Clearing should be a practice that is done regularly, particularly in times of great intensity. Once your clear or your environment has been cleared then it’s important to place protection in order to manage the boundaries around yourself, around your environment,...
The Acorn Meditation
"From oak I come to oak I go, I sit amid the ancient flow. From oak I come to oak I go, I look, I watch, I see, I know...." ~Tom Cowan [media-downloader...
The Popularity of Ayahuasca and Other Plant Medicines
Vegetalisa is a term used to refer to a practice of mestizo shamanism in the Peruvian Amazon in which the shamans — known as vegetalistas — are said to gain their knowledge and power to cure from the vegetales, or plants of the region. Dr. Steven Farmer interviews...
Witnessing Tree Spirits In Ordinary Reality
Our property on the Bay of Quinte is home to several species of native trees. In one area we call the glen, we’ve been witnessing an ongoing onslaught by invasive insects. Over a period of three to four years we watched helplessly as a group of ash trees slowly lost...
What You Should Know About Taking Ayahuasca
Ayahuasca: A Brief Helpful Manual Currently tens of thousands of people are exploring the visionary medicine known as ayahuasca, huasca, yaje, (and many other names) both in South America and around the world. Many seek the experience out of curiosity and sometimes...
The Shipibo Icaro Tradition
The Shipibo peoples of the Amazon believe everything has its own song and pattern. Anna shares the basics of their understanding of the universe and ends by offering a icaro, a sung prayer....
Tobacco Clearing & Protection
Tobacco is very useful for clearing and protecting yourself against unwanted energies. Our July Audio is 10 minutes and includes a brief explanation of working with tobacco as an ally, and a virtual clearing and protection so that you can experience to power of...