Please enjoy this 17 minute audio examining the medicine of tobacco, including a tobacco blessing. Tobacco is a highly respected and revered plant but one that has also been misunderstood and feared. Anna Stevens Harrington of The Power Path School of Shamanism and...
Author Profile

Anna Stevens Harrington
Anna Stevens Harrington
Anna Harrington is an instructor for the Power Path School of Shamanism and a shamanic healing practitioner and ceremonialist with over 20 years of experience working with indigenous shamanic healers around the world. She has in-depth training in both Shipibo and Huichol healing modalities as well as the Paco tradition of the Andes and Native North American traditions.
Anna is also a producer, director and editor, and founder of Green Spider Films. Her past producing credits include a nine part television series, Understanding People (2001), Green Medicine: On the Path of Herbal Remedies (2000), The Mystic Traveler (2002), and Woven Songs of the Amazon(2006). For the past six years she has been working with The Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange to create educational documentaries and material honoring indigenous people and their unique and valuable traditions.
Intentions, Goals and Resolutions
What is the difference between intention setting, goals and resolutions? SSP Vice President Anna Stevens Harrington explains these differences. She then leads us through an exercise on how to work with the solstice as an opportunity to be pro-active towards the...
Shamanic Traditions of Offering Blessings Through Prayer
In this audio Anna shares about the shamanic tradition of offering blessings through prayer. [media-downloader media_id="4320"...
The Shipibo Icaro Tradition
The Shipibo peoples of the Amazon believe everything has its own song and pattern. Anna shares the basics of their understanding of the universe and ends by offering a icaro, a sung prayer....