The appropriation–-adoption, misuse, fraud, stealing, cheating, annexation–-of Native American cultures and other Indigenous traditions by Westerners in their search for meaningful spirituality has become a topic of increasing controversy and sensitivity in our...
Cultural Appropriation
This is a series of articles from our ‘Modern Perspectives‘ category that focuses specifically on the issue of cultural appropriation.
Walking the Edge of Cultural Appropriation
The young man was goth-like, pale and pimply, dressed in a long black coat and lecturing to a circle of listeners at an Earth First! gathering in the western wilderness. The subject of his talk was the cultural appropriation of earth-based spiritual traditions. He had...
Being in Right Relationship with Our Indigenous Teachers
In this audio José Stevens explores cultural appropriation through the lens of being in 'Right Relationship' with our indigenous teachers....
FORUM ON APPROPRIATION: Appropriation by Whites of Indigenous Traditions
The subject of appropriation by “whites” of Indigenous spiritual and shamanic healing traditions and practices is a serious one, fraught with many unmarked pathways and crossroads that raise deep political issues, with many historical implications. There are at least...
FORUM ON APPROPRIATION: Who has the right to practice indigenous traditions?
As a man of mixed Mexican, Basque, Irish, English, and Scottish heritage I have often run into rather extreme prejudice about my interest and practice of shamanism over my many years of teaching and ceremonial work. I can understand some of the sentiments of...
FORUM ON APPROPRIATION: Lewis Mehl-Madrona & Tom Cowan
ON APPROPRIATION BY LEWIS MEHL-MADRONA Wondering about this question leads me to wonder if anyone can own healing? All cultures have developed methods for healing, and cultures throughout the ages have freely borrowed from their neighbors. Personally, I do not use...
The articles and commentaries over the next four weeks offer a journey into the thorny issue of “white people doing shamanism.” The Society for Shamanic Practitioners (SSP) reached out, inviting perspectives on an issue fraught with passion, vitriol, defensiveness,...
Shamanism: Approaching Indigenous Wisdom with Care and Respect
Shamanism has grown in popularity as an idea and practice in the modern world. Shamanism is defined by the recognition of a common wisdom based on ancient or indigenous spiritual traditions. This broad definition has some advantages and disadvantages that are worth...