Below you will find the video of the Imbolg/Imbolc Ceremony by Jaime Meyer for February 1st, 2025 THE CELTIC FESTIVAL OF IMBOLG(IMBOLC) Thank you for joining SSP Board Member Jaime Meyer for our next Cross-Quarter Celtic Holidays Ceremony, Imbolg. Imbolg (also Imbolc)...
Author Profile

Jaime Meyer
Jaime Meyer
Meeting 2025 with Power and Joy
Many people in my life don’t have optimism for 2025. Instead, they see a darkness looming and feel dread. I feel like this often too. The social media provocateurs on “both sides” are dedicated not to describing reality or helping you understand the world, but only...
Fall Equinox Medicine Wheel Ceremony 2024
Join SSP Board Member and Shamanic Practitioner Jaime Meyer for a Fall Equinox Medicine Wheel Ceremony, calling in the West, directly from Ireland! He will be at the sacred site of Newgrange and will take a brief walk from Slane village near Newgrange down to the...
Your big question is not going to get answered.
You have a giant question writhing around inside you. For each of us it may be a different question, but we all have one. You’ve been wrestling with it, trying to articulate it your whole life, trying to find an answer. The image comes up for me of the Tarzan TV show...
Summer Solstice Medicine Wheel Ceremony 2024
Join SSP Board President Jaime Meyer for a Summer Solstice Ceremony, calling in the South on the Medicine Wheel. Jaime will guide those gathered through the making of an offrenda, a beautiful ceremony using a series of flowers, prayers, rattle and singing – all...
Spring Equinox Medicine Wheel Ceremony 2024
Join SSP Board President Jaime Meyer for a spring equinox ceremony honoring the East on the Medicine Wheel. Working with the direction of the East helps us bring renewed energy, inspiration, and new possibilities for all beings, human and others. As we travel to the...
How to Summon Optimism in this World
Follow me on a winding journey: 1. Authenticity: People like to argue over what is authentic and what is not. In shamanism, in all religion, in art, in science. In my world of Western-urban-neo-shamanic practice, it’s always “how the indigenous masters do it or did...
Embracing the Dark Feminine in a Time of Seeming Chaos
In the northern hemisphere, as we step into winter, the north on the medicine wheel, we have stepped into the embrace of the Dark Feminine. What is this power, and how can we work with it? I hope this article helps you grasp what is happening in our world right now...
Magic Mushrooms, The Wild West, and Ceremony
Everyone is doing ‘shrooms. The term “psychedelic wild west” has entered daily lingo. Various cities and states are legalizing them. Medical science sees promise in them and the pharmaceutical industry sees neon dollar signs. The blogosphere sparkles with promises of...
A Selection of Daily Spiritual Practices
A Note from Jaime Meyer, SSP Board President: Every spiritual path requires some kind of disciplined, regular practice. The practice may be enjoyable and beautiful, and that is why we do it. It may be difficult to summon the discipline to do it, and that is why we do...
Interview with 2022 Eagle Feather Award Winner –
Wiraqocha Foundation for the Preservation of Indigenous Wisdom
Please enjoy this video interview that SSP Board President Jaime Meyer and Jose Stevens did with the Wiraqocha Foundation for the Preservation of Indigenous Wisdom in January 2023 after the foundation was awarded the Eagle Feather Award for 2022.
Interview with 2021 Eagle Feather Award Winner Hmong Shaman and Herb Center
Please enjoy this video interview that SSP Board President Jaime Meyer did with Tzianeng Vang of the HSHC in February 2022 after HSHC was awarded the Eagle Feather Award.
Brigid: The Celtic Spirit of Fire
This year, February 3rd marked the celestial midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, and for the Celts, this is "Brigid time." It is called Imbolc (pronounced IM-olk), one of the cross-quarter days on the Celtic Medicine wheel. Brigid is arguably...
In gratitude for
Malidoma Patrice Somé
January 30, 1956 – December 9, 2021
A Life of Service and Power
Malidoma was a West African writer, diviner, and teacher. Born in a Dagara community in Dano, Burkina Faso, as a child he was taken from his home, “literally kidnapped,” he said, by Jesuit priests in a nearby colonial town. He was placed in a Catholic boarding school,...
A Celtic Healing for Dis-orientation
In this 16 minute audio, Jaime Meyer works with Brigid, the Celtic goddess of healing, sunrise and springtime. "It is said that Brigid breathes new life into the mouth of dead winter. Brigid sings new warmth into the seeds under the dark earth. Brigid breathes new...
Reindeer in the Spiritual DNA
Today, across the vast expanse of northern Europe, sub-Arctic Russia and Mongolia, stretch many nations of reindeer-herding people. The Sami, the Evenki, the Chuckchi and many more. Many cultures, languages and customs abound, but something these people share is a...
Tending to Hucha
About this Audio Many heavy energies have been shaken loose from us during these transitional times. Listen as our Board President, Jaime Meyer, guides us through a powerful ceremony to cleanse and refine those heavy energies from Mother Earth. HOW TO PREPARE Create...
Re-imagining Imbolc
Astronomically, February 1 is the midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox. In the Celtic shamanic tradition, this is an important day dedicated to the Goddess Brigid. SSP offers you this overview of the Celtic Goddess of new life, of new fire, Brigid,...
Doubt and Discipline
Can the uncomfortable travel companion doubt, be a stern teacher commanding you to do work or an ally protecting you? How does discipline interact with doubt as a way to help you move forward? Through song and prayer we can ask spirit to help us remove doubt and old...
The Story of Boann and the Well of Wisdom
Jaime leads us through a transformative story about Boann, goddess of the River Boyne, a river in Leinster, Ireland. Although Boann was instructed otherwise by her husband Nechtan, she unleashes a power that has been keep still and protected. These actions and...
Shamanic Mottoes to Guide Your Practice
In this audio Jaime discusses several shamanic mottoes that can help you in your daily practice. [media-downloader media_id="4319" texts="Download MP3...
Journey West on the Celtic Medicine Wheel
This audio takes you on an extended journey into the direction West on the Celtic medicine wheel. You explore the mythic qualities of the West, learn a healing song in Gaelic and you're offered a shamanic drum journey to the West for cleansing....
Shamanic Practice and Sacred Imagination
In this piece I delve a little into my personal journey to shamanic practice and why I see shamanism as an antidote to much of the malaise we feel. At the end of this piece I offer you the most concise list of "shamanic core values" I've ever come across, and a...
Shamanic Soul Retrieval: the Resuscitation of Beauty
Soul Retrieval is a powerful topic for people walking the shamanic path. This article is about my experiences learning and conducting soul retrieval, but it is equally about doubt and wonder, because my thirty plus years on the shamanic path is ever and always about...
The articles and commentaries over the next four weeks offer a journey into the thorny issue of “white people doing shamanism.” The Society for Shamanic Practitioners (SSP) reached out, inviting perspectives on an issue fraught with passion, vitriol, defensiveness,...