Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not find an answer to your question here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

General Questions

Where can I learn or share information about a Particular shamanic topic of Interest to me?

There are several ways you can find and share information through our network. When you become a member you receive new articles and audio content every month, along with a number of other benefits. We also have a member forum where our members can share ideas and start or participate in community discussions.

Many people also find our Society for Shamanic Practice Facebook Group to be a useful tool for exchanging information and ideas. We encourage you to join our group if you haven’t already.

We accept article submissions if you are interested in sharing on a particular topic through our Journal of Shamanic Practice.

How can I get listed in the resource directory?

The resource directory is open to our Basic, Silver and Gold level members. Visit our become a member page to learn more if you are not a member yet. If you are an active member, visit your My Account portal and click the link that says Profile. Then click the “EDIT” link. You can also visit the “Getting Started” page for more detailed information.

How can I find a shamanic practitioner to help me with an issue I'm facing?

Our website has an entire directory of Shamanic Practitioners organized by Experience Level, Services and Products, Interest Level or any Keyword. We recommend that you visit the directory and contact whoever you feel most called to work with. Keep in mind that many shamanic practitioners work remotely, so you do not need to live in the same area or be in the same physical space as a practitioner to receive healing.


We do not staff anyone to provide healing services. If you are not able to pay and need help, we recommend that you join our Society for Shamanic Practice Facebook Group and make a post about your situation and what type of help you are seeking.

Membership Questions

How do I update my credit card information?

You can update your credit card in the Subscriptions tab of your My Account portal by clicking the “UPDATE” link.

My payment won't go through. What do I need to do?

First try using another credit card with the instructions in “How can I update my credit card information?” above. If this does not work, contact our web support for assistance.

How do I update my email address?

You can update your email address in your account settings.

How do I change my password?

If you are logged in, you can navigate to your account settings. If you do not remember your password and cannot login, click the forgot password link at the bottom of your login screen.

How do I change my email notification settings?

As a member you are automatically subscribed to our weekly emails and to activity notifications in our community forum. If you wish to unsubscribe from the weekly emails, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of a recent email. You can turn your email notifications for the community forum on or off in your account email settings.

How do I create and edit my directory listing?

If you are an active member, visit your My Account portal and click the link that says Profile. Then click the “EDIT” link. You can also visit the “Getting Started” page for more detailed information.

If you are not a member, you will need to become a member to be listed in our directory.

How do I modify or cancel my membership?

To change your membership level or cancel your membership, visit the Subscriptions tab in the My Account portal.