Working with Pachamama, Mother Earth

by Apr 18, 2018

This audio is a meditative exercise with drum and song to assist you in releasing any worries to the regenerative heart of Pachamama. It will first support you in transforming these worries. It then leads you to call in energy and healing from Pachamama. In a higher frequency of light and love, you can call in anything you want with gratitude.

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About the author

Lena Stevens

Lena Stevens

Lena Stevens is an internationally known teacher, shamanic practitioner, CSEE board member and SSP board member. She apprenticed for 10 years with a Huichol shaman from Mexico and has studied cross-cultural shamanic healing from numerous traditions including those from the Amazon basin, Native North America, Northern Europe and Siberia. One of her specialties is the woven song tradition of the Shipibo tribe in the Peruvian Amazon, the singing of Icaros or healing songs. Lena is the co-author of The Secrets of Shamanism: How to Tap the Spirit Power Within and a contributor to The Power Path School of Shamanism.
Lena Stevens is an internationally known teacher, shamanic practitioner, CSEE board member and SSP board member. She apprenticed for 10 years with a Huichol shaman from Mexico and has studied cross-cultural shamanic healing from numerous traditions including those from the Amazon basin, Native North America, Northern Europe and Siberia. One of her specialties is the woven song tradition of the Shipibo tribe in the Peruvian Amazon, the singing of Icaros or healing songs. Lena is the co-author of The Secrets of Shamanism: How to Tap the Spirit Power Within and a contributor to The Power Path School of Shamanism.
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  1. Steve Staniek

    Many thanks for this wonderful heart exercise. I felt the love in your words surrounding me, and what started painfully, ended with tearful ecstasy.
    What came through for me, was a sense that we can rise to new heights of spiritual liberation/ascension on the gentle voices of little girls singing in safe playgrounds all around the world. They sing simple songs of a boundless love that fills and feeds the multiverse. I can almost see the upspirial.

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