EarthPrayers Qi Gong is a response to and offering for this potent time of unraveling and reweaving we find our culture and world journeying through. Within Qi Gong, like Yoga, we work towards fully integrated movements, so that the body, breath and mind can move as...
Author Profile

Mark Jensen, DC
Mark Jensen, DC
Mark S. Jensen, DC is based in Santa Fe, NM, brings a rich and eclectic journey to his synthesis of EarthPrayers Qi Gong. He has worked in the healing arts for over 35 years with a focus on our embodied connection to the Earth. Mark also brings over 30 years experience in land based community ceremony and decades long involvement with Deep Ecology and The Work That Reconnects to his teachings and Earth service. He is presently a certified Qi Gong instructor through the Lotus Nei Gong School. To contact Mark please visit