The demands of the modern Western lifestyle are highly oriented to productivity, requiring a doing, yang, often adrenalized, masculine state. However, healing oneself and facilitating healing for others requires presence, being, listening, holding and receiving -- it...
Author Profile

Tammy Mabra
Tammy Mabra
Walking the path with heart since 1999, Tammy's healing practice is steeped in indigenous wisdom traditions, mindfulness, myth, mysticism, art, astrology and psychology. After many years of intensive shamanic study and training, she began offering healing and ceremonial services and retreats professionally in 2010. She has studied with indigenous healing practitioners spanning multiple earth-honoring traditions, including but not limited to Toltec and Q’uero, with deepest experience in Huichol and Shipibo healing traditions. Her public offerings are cross-cultural, always rooted in deep reverence for those who have shared their ways, and for the earth. In addition to Shamanic Practice, her early secondary education was focused on visual arts and communication. She is trauma informed and also holds certifications in Hellenistic Astrology, Aromatherapy, Kundalini Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Postpartum Mother Roasting and Somatic Attachment Therapy.
She is available to witness, tend and support connection to your intrinsic sacred knowing, your essential self, your unique expression of divinity, your heart and your heart's path, and your underlying energetic blueprint for physical, mental and emotional well being. With compassion, empathy and love, through this recognition and (re)connection, healing and transformation occur. She works in Texas, both Austin and Dallas areas, and remotely through