This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action. The Ocean, the original home for life on Earth, has a deeply important role in maintaining balance on our planet. It covers over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, holds over 95 percent of the Earth’s water, and...
Author Profile
Mary Olivar
Mary Olivar
This video is from the 2023 SSP Conference - Teachings from the Land: Visible and Invisible Vibration is the essence of the Universe. And the human voice could be considered our most powerful, versatile, and healing shamanic tool. Song and tone are used as part of...
Fall Equinox Ceremony 2023 with Mary Olivar
Join Shamanism Without Borders leader coordinator Mary Olivar for an autumn equinox ceremony honoring the West on the Medicine Wheel. Through song, visualizations, and prayer we will thank the spirit of the South for its support and blessings before we turn ourselves...
Tending to our Earth Connection: Human’s Relationship with our Planet
This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action All humans are inherently connected to the Earth. Our bodies are of the Earth, and we are continually nourished by her, physically and energetically. Yet collectively, as...
Tending to Conflict and Discord:
A Prayer for Peace
This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action Whether interpersonal, political, or global, currently there is palpable energy of discord and conflict present between humans on our planet. In this Shamanism Without Borders tending process, we will seek to learn...
This video was presented at the 2022 SSP Conference and we share it here for the Monthly Member Audio/Video: Vibration is the essence of the Universe. And the human voice could be considered our most powerful, versatile, and healing shamanic tool. Song and tone are...
Tending to Air
This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action The element of Air brings us a range of issues to work with. Aspects related to Air include weather, communication, air quality and our physical atmosphere, as well as birds and pollinators. Join Mary Olivar as we...
Tending to Our Body
This is a practice to support you in developing and maintaining a strong relationship with your physical body and a journey to deepen your connection to your own body. Learn how each of us can be in greater harmony and balance with our bodies. Please listen to this as...
ABOUT THIS AUDIO Due to ongoing rain deficits and extreme temperatures there are currently massive wildfires burning in multiple areas. Please join Shamanism Without Borders Community Leader Mary Olivar for a Rapid Response Community Call-to-Action to tend to these...
Tending to Covid Caretaker Fatigue
About this Audio As Covid continues to restructure much of our routines and dreams, we have an opportunity to tend to those who have been on the frontlines. Caretakers of all kinds, including healthcare workers, parents, first responders, essential workers, and...