Journey to the Heart: A Guided Meditation to Connect with Spirit and Balance your Inner Fire

by Jul 13, 2023

We sit here in the South, the season of Fire and highest point of Yang. A time of expansiveness, connection and support. Ruled by the Heart and guided by the Shen, in the Summer we can experience great joy, laughter and connection when our Fire is balanced or we may experience anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, isolation, shock and lethargy if our Fire is out of balance.

In this Audio, Marika teaches us about the Fire element, Shen and Heart from a Classical Taoist perspective weaving in connections from teachings of other indigenous wisdom about this potent time of year and how a shock or trauma can lead us to disconnect from our Shen (Spirit). Then she guides us through a meditation to support our internal fire and clear any shock, trauma or emotions that have accumulated in our hearts so that our Shen(Spirit) to reside peacefully within guiding our lives.


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About the author

Marika Reid Hall

Marika Reid Hall

Growing up in the wilds of Western Canada, Marika has always been fascinated by how the world works and what lies beneath the surface of what we see, hear, feel and smell, What is the spark, the magic behind life that connects us all. This yearning has lead her to study and travel through many places, learning from the land, people, plants, animals and spirits of each place. She is a Shamanic Practitioner having studied with The Power Path School of Shamanism, the Huichol people in Mexico, and Betsy Bergstrom. She is also a Registered Acupuncturist, Holistic Doula and a Dean and Instructor at Pacific Rim College. She supports her clients in unravelling the conditioning that they have accumulated through their lifetimes and from their ancestors so that they may discover the true essence of who they are. When not working in clinic, teaching or holding circle she can be found dancing to live music, walking in the woods, sitting beside the ocean or enjoying time with her husband and two daughters in Victoria, BC. You can find her at
Growing up in the wilds of Western Canada, Marika has always been fascinated by how the world works and what lies beneath the surface of what we see, hear, feel and smell, What is the spark, the magic behind life that connects us all. This yearning has lead her to study and travel through many places, learning from the land, people, plants, animals and spirits of each place. She is a Shamanic Practitioner having studied with The Power Path School of Shamanism, the Huichol people in Mexico, and Betsy Bergstrom. She is also a Registered Acupuncturist, Holistic Doula and a Dean and Instructor at Pacific Rim College. She supports her clients in unravelling the conditioning that they have accumulated through their lifetimes and from their ancestors so that they may discover the true essence of who they are. When not working in clinic, teaching or holding circle she can be found dancing to live music, walking in the woods, sitting beside the ocean or enjoying time with her husband and two daughters in Victoria, BC. You can find her at
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1 Comment

  1. Nancy James

    Thank you so much for the beautiful visualization..
    The red bird is so meaningful to me. because I am a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Level 2 Practitioner.
    We use the red bird in the induction.

    Thank you

    Much love and blessings


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