Shamans and Dolmens

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    • #20950
      Steve Staniek

      Dolmens are ubiquitous! From beautiful clear crystals of light, small enough to sit on the tip of your finger and dazzle the eye, to enormous pieces of primeval rock as large as a bus, and covered in lichens, humans have been working with the mineral kingdom, and seeking ways to exploit their energy.

      I postulate that our shamanic forbears who lived in intimate contact with the living land, were environmental empaths and much more sensitive to earth energies. The Aborigines of Australia, still walk the song lines…like their ancestors.

      So what compelled shamans to construct standing stone [circles]and dolmens with specialized stone quarried from many miles away, and brought with great effort to just the right energy spot on the landscape? Did they notice that rock formations absorb and concentrate earth energies, as they piled rock on rock. Did they sense how the “sound resonance” changed as they began to construct simple enclosures of rock, until the resonant frequencies were conducive to elevating consciousness. Were these shamans creating energy hot spots which could elevate their consciousness with naturally occurring earth energies, and possibly select herbs, and sacred chants.
      It is my theory that some dolmen have been constructed as caves or wombs to allow the initiate to meditate inside during the day, while some are huge mounds or slabs, where the initiate lays on top of the construct at night, to absorb celestial energies radiating down to earth as solar winds, moon winds, etc..

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