Lena guides us through a Shamanism Without Borders process on how to work with the element of fire, the importance of honoring this powerful element and how to be of assistance to those negatively effected.
Tending to Air
Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event Air is essential to life on our beautiful planet. It moves around creating change and supporting life. In this Shamanism Without Borders Call to Action, we will tend to the suffering caused by manifestations...
Thank you Lena for this journey and teaching on Fire. I was particularly struck by your emphasis of the importance of our relationship with the elements, in this case fire–honoring it, feeding it, tending to it, providing what it needs–so it doesn’t have to “take what it needs” as you suggested is happening with the fires in Australia, how these fires mirror how out of balance we are with Nature and our relationships with the transcendent spirits of the land. Thank you. Sheldon