Tending to the Exploitation of Earth’s Resources

by May 23, 2024

Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event.

The Earth is our only home. Estimates state that as much as 77% of the land and 87% of the ocean have been modified by humans in destructive ways to our environment, primarily driven by the high demand for global resources. These harmful practices have contributed to losing half of the world’s plant biomass and 83% of wild mammal species. In this Shamanism Without Boarders tending, we will join together to tend to the suffering created by the imbalance caused by the harmful exploitation of our precious Earth’s resources.

Join Shamanism Without Borders Community Leader, Yana Aryze for this Shamanism Without Borders tending.



Create a sacred ceremonial space where you will not be disturbed during the tending. You could create an altar, light a candle, drum or rattle along if you wish, or simply participate in the journey work.





Visit our Facebook Group to share comments about your journey, or visit the Shamanism Without Borders page to learn more about how you can get involved with this meaningful work.

About the author

Yana Aryze

Yana Aryze

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