The Good Death

by May 2, 2018

An informative panel discussion about the importance in seeing death as an ally, how death is viewed globally, ways to recognize death energy and how to release it.

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Society for Shamanic Practice

Society for Shamanic Practice

The mission of the Society for Shamanic Practice (SSP) is to gather and share extensive knowledge and resources about the practice of shamanism in all its forms, its evolution in the modern world, and how shamanism can be applied in the 21st century. We are dedicated to supporting practitioners at all levels of experience and to helping create an educated and empowered community who walk this spiritual path with integrity, respect and practicality. Most of our content is attributed to a single author, however from time to time we put out content that is a joint effort of members of its Editorial Board and/or Board of Directors. This is content of this collaborative nature.
The mission of the Society for Shamanic Practice (SSP) is to gather and share extensive knowledge and resources about the practice of shamanism in all its forms, its evolution in the modern world, and how shamanism can be applied in the 21st century. We are dedicated to supporting practitioners at all levels of experience and to helping create an educated and empowered community who walk this spiritual path with integrity, respect and practicality. Most of our content is attributed to a single author, however from time to time we put out content that is a joint effort of members of its Editorial Board and/or Board of Directors. This is content of this collaborative nature.
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1 Comment

  1. LJane Damude-Empey

    Just finished listening to the podcast on, The Good Death, and found it very stimulating. I am a psychotherapist who has worked with clients around death and dying as well as aging, and also have attended the deaths of family and friends. It is an honour to be in the presence of this life transition and there is also beauty, wisdom and inspiration to be found. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

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