Shamanic Healing: Distinguishing Energy Cords from Soul Theft

by Nov 22, 2021

SSP Board Member and Shamanic Practitioner Ana Larramendi offers a teaching on how to tell the difference between Energy Cords and Soul Theft when doing shamanic healing.

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About the author

Ana Larramendi

Ana Larramendi

Ana is a Board Member of SSP. She has been studying shamanic traditions since 1989 and is an international teacher of shamanic healing practices. She is a minister, public speaker, Vision Quest leader, wilderness enthusiast, ceremonialist, chef, translator and an initiated mesa carrier in the Inka tradition. She is a full-time shamanic teacher and healer at The Hollow Bone with a private practice in rural, southern, Wisconsin. She hosts intimate small group classes in her home, and also offers in-depth shamanic healing by phone, remotely, or sessions in-person. Ana’s earth work includes space clearings and blessings, and various land healing practices. She has spent her life weaving together her spirituality with nature skills creating a skill-set of tools for land healing and teaching students to detect and heal earth trauma. Website:
Ana is a Board Member of SSP. She has been studying shamanic traditions since 1989 and is an international teacher of shamanic healing practices. She is a minister, public speaker, Vision Quest leader, wilderness enthusiast, ceremonialist, chef, translator and an initiated mesa carrier in the Inka tradition. She is a full-time shamanic teacher and healer at The Hollow Bone with a private practice in rural, southern, Wisconsin. She hosts intimate small group classes in her home, and also offers in-depth shamanic healing by phone, remotely, or sessions in-person. Ana’s earth work includes space clearings and blessings, and various land healing practices. She has spent her life weaving together her spirituality with nature skills creating a skill-set of tools for land healing and teaching students to detect and heal earth trauma. Website:
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  1. Rev. Tara Parrish

    Thank you for this Ana! So many times in my practice I have explained this to my clients and they didn’t quite grasp the difference between the two ideas, however your explanation and advice will better serve those whom I serve.

  2. Michael Meredith

    Thank-you for highlighting these hugely important sources of relationship stress and distress, Ana, and for reminding us of the indigenous stories that have grown-up in order to understand and move towards helping affected clients. I struggled for some years to make these concepts and practises work sustainably for myself and my clients – for example, fixing one stressful or toxic relationship sometimes leads to another similar relationship being created before too long.

    Another ‘sustainability’ issue that can arise is that affected individuals sometimes have built up a whole array of similar dysfunctional relationships i.e. they are unconsciously addicted [or even craving] for a particuar kind of dysfunctional relationship.

    Eventually the ‘penny dropped’ for me that oft-times we need to track back in the client’s life to when their particular type of relationship dysfunction ‘habit’ began….

    As I built up that kind of data, it soon became clear that the ‘elephants in the room’, as far as cord-cutting, soul-loss and soul-entanglement [I prefer these labels to the self-disempowering term of ‘soul-theft’] are concerned, seem to be the closely inter-related dynamics of…

    * Self-identity##
    * Personal Boundaries
    * Emotional/energetic/spiritual awareness
    * Emotional/energetic/spiritual functionality [required for boundary maintenance]
    * Intrusions ###

    [## e.g. failing to see, and manage/heal, our ‘self-projections’ onto the perceived identity of others]
    [### e.g. internalising self-beliefs & self-identifications ‘impressed’ on us by others

    I thank-you for your blessing, Ana, and offer this comment in the hope that it might further illuminate the good work of yourself and others. May the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon your home!


  3. Susan hartje

    Thank You Ana!
    This really hit home for me. I have danced around the ideas of cord cutting and soul retrieval for my self. It never made sense. But this explanation and distinction made it so clearly relevant to my inability to move forward easily that I was motivated to re look at these tools.
    Also, searching for the soul strands and then seeing who it was attached to made it so much easier. (That is how I would do a healing for someone else, duh). But somehow for me I thought I should know the person first, then find their connection. Nope.

    This opened up a whole beautiful clearing session that is perfect for the new moon tomorrow and new year today! 🌈

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