How to be Neutral

by Apr 23, 2020

What is the difference between empathy and compassion versus identification? How can one be in service to a particular situation without matching the energy of that trauma? José guides us through many practices on how to step back and see all parts within a situation in order to assess what is needed to then formulate a plan of action.

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About the author

José Stevens

José Stevens

José Luis Stevens, PhD is the president and co-founder (with wife Lena) of Power Path Seminars, an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and indigenous wisdom to business and everyday life. José completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Wixarika Maracame (shaman) in the Sierras of Central Mexico. In addition, he is studying intensively with Shipibo (shamans) in the Peruvian Amazon and with Pacos (shamans) in the Andes in Peru. In 1983 he completed his doctoral dissertation at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on the interface between shamanism and western psychological counseling. Since then he has studied cross-cultural shamanism around the world to distill the core elements of shamanic healing and practice. He is the author of more than twenty books and numerous articles including Awaken the Inner Shaman, How to Pray The Shaman’s Way, Encounters With Power, Transforming Your Dragons;  and the forthcoming The Shaman’s Manual Of Extraordinary Practices. website:
José Luis Stevens, PhD is the president and co-founder (with wife Lena) of Power Path Seminars, an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and indigenous wisdom to business and everyday life. José completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Wixarika Maracame (shaman) in the Sierras of Central Mexico. In addition, he is studying intensively with Shipibo (shamans) in the Peruvian Amazon and with Pacos (shamans) in the Andes in Peru. In 1983 he completed his doctoral dissertation at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on the interface between shamanism and western psychological counseling. Since then he has studied cross-cultural shamanism around the world to distill the core elements of shamanic healing and practice. He is the author of more than twenty books and numerous articles including Awaken the Inner Shaman, How to Pray The Shaman’s Way, Encounters With Power, Transforming Your Dragons;  and the forthcoming The Shaman’s Manual Of Extraordinary Practices. website:
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1 Comment

  1. Robert Kelly

    Excellent talk …
    Learning to pull back our own projections clears our vision.
    Standing on that threshold of the unknown and relying on our own intuition is both thrilling and at times unnerving. Learning to
    stand in our power is a awesome gift. Thanks for sharing

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