DNA Healing and Snake Medicine

by Feb 18, 2022

This is an audio by SSP Board Member Dr. Steven Farmer.

In ancient times, shamans were actually perceiving the basis for life itself, DNA. In their shamanic journeys they would see images of DNA but the only analog they had available to them was either snakes, serpents or dragons, so that is what they saw.

Dr. Farmer leads us in a journey to heal our DNA with the help of snake medicine and our healing guides.

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About the author

Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Healing Ancestral Karma, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, and Children’s Spirit Animal Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual and couple’s consultations in person or remotely by Zoom. He draws from a wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular Private Mentoring program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. For more information please visit his website www.DrStevenFarmer.com  and Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Steven-Farmer/93018852583
Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Healing Ancestral Karma, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, and Children’s Spirit Animal Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual and couple’s consultations in person or remotely by Zoom. He draws from a wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular Private Mentoring program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. For more information please visit his website www.DrStevenFarmer.com  and Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Steven-Farmer/93018852583
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  1. Forrest itche iichiile Hudson

    Dr. Farmer:

    Enjoyed the Journey and your visual description. Having Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), a genetic nerve degeneration disease, I was seeking out those genes. A Journey worth repeating, for me.


  2. Dr. Steven Farmer

    Forrest – glad to hear it. It’s a fairly new download that was given to me and I really like it. Let me know what you notice.

  3. Rev. Cindy Pincus

    This was lovely and powerful! Clear instruction for working with the snakes/DNA. Thank you for sharing this wisdom.

  4. Dr. Steven Farmer

    Cindy – glad you enjoyed it. Yes, it is a powerful healing process! Thanks!

  5. Simon Kariuki

    Thank you Dr. Stevens Farmer for your presentation on DNA healing with the help of snake medicine. The audio on healing and snake medicine has enlightened me and I appreciate your good work.

  6. Elaine Meade

    Powerful. Very Healing . Thank you Dr. Steven Farmer, my friend, my teacher.

  7. Dr. Steven Farmer

    Thanks Simon and Elaine. I’m glad that you found it so useful!

  8. Jana Peace

    Saw red and black snake of maternal lineage and yellow and black snake of paternal lineage. Following journey, switched on crown chakra DNA shut down by trauma of paternal lineage- seeing visions of fleeing for survival.
    Felt physical onset of migraine connected to maternal lineage seeing victorian scenes of repressing any strong emotions – turned that switch off. Pain went away.

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