- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by
Steve Staniek.
November 27, 2024 at 4:57 am #21307
Steve StaniekParticipantThe Spiritual Life of Trees
As we fly over the landscape we know as Mother Earth, the womb or source of all material life, we see
barren desert areas without trees where life has failed to take hold and flourish, and areas with trees
where life has become prolific, abundant, and continuous.
When a technologically advanced space-faring species known as the Anunnaki colonized Earth in antiquity to mine its rich
mineral wealth, they brought their own “sacred tree of life”, material evidence that trees are universal beings, who
establish and anchor life wherever they set their roots in the cosmos. Historic evidence suggests that the Sahara Desert
was once a green belt, until the trees were destroyed.
As a boy I discovered that I felt good around trees, and I wanted to know more about them. I yearned to live among them as an adult, and consequently every home we ever owned was nestled among tall trees; maples, oaks, walnuts, beech, pine, and cedar.
After retirement from the nuclear industry, I studied shamanism and grew relationships with nature and ancestral spirits, and a few years later they initiated me by showing me how humans are constructed.
Our four acre property in the country is covered with trees, both indigenous and imported. I began to meditate as I walked among them every day. Meditative walks allowed me to slip into a soft trance, until I began to see them differently with my
shamanic eyes, as sources of subtle healing energy.
My front deck where I sit and read on warm days, is situated under a canopy of wonderful Eastern Red Cedars
which are endemic to this region. The fragrance from the red heartwood fills the senses with a wonderful exotic
energy, capable of inducing a trance state. I read about the great Buddha who sat under a fig tree [Bodhi Tree]
and attained spiritual enlightenment. I learned how many civilizations and cultures had grown spiritual relationships
with trees, and adopted the tree of life as one of their sacred symbols.
My shamanic initiation was triggered by an ash tree that my son and I felled a few days before, because it had become infected with the destructive Emerald Ash Borer Beatle. About three nights later, I walked out to meditate at 4:00 AM in total darkness, and my head collided with this tree laying on the ground. The hard collision sent me into shock, which resulted in a mystical experience
which has changed my understanding of human life.
When my eyes opened in total darkness, I saw a luminous silver thread floating before me, and I followed it around to the felled tree trunk, where I discovered a softly luminous cloud of grey and blue microparticles floating in a plasma hovering over the dead tree trunk. The soft glow was so faint that if this collision had happened on a moonlit night or in daylight, I would not have seen it.
At first I thought it was the spirit of the dying tree leaving the carcass, but after two years of deep research I learned that it was my etheric body which had become detached from my physical body through the trauma of a head injury. My subconscious mind had reacted instantly to defend me against a perceived attack by the tree, by projecting my etheric body as streams of ectoplasma from my facial orifices, to converge and form a protective blanket over the tree trunk, as a way of protecting me against further attacks.
Deeper research revealed that the blue and grey microparticles shimmering in the cloud or plasma, were observed under a microscope by Wilhelm Reich, the discoverer of orgone energy, and were most likely luminous packets of life energy which he called bions, but are known to spiritualists as prana. The sun is the source of freshly charged or energized prana which starts out blue, and turns grey as it gives up its charge or energy.
I wanted to discover this spiritual energy or transformative magic in trees, and share it with the world.
As I pondered the mystery of prana over many months with help from my spirit guides, I tracked the
path of prana from its sources, the sun and cosmos to Earth’s surface, where most prana falls on the
ground. Prana has an affinity for water, and it becomes washed down into the soil below. Tree roots
absorb this water containing prana and draw it up their trunks to spray it out their leaves as part of the
transpiration cycle. Trees function as fountains of fresh prana which has become recharged during
regeneration underground. Trees in groups create fields of healthy atmosphere that bathe us with fresh energy as we walk through.
Anyone spending time underneath trees will benefit from the healing prana released by trees as they nurture us spiritually through our chakras. The Key to absorbing this intelligent energy is that it must be invited into our body with joy. -
November 28, 2024 at 1:32 pm #21308
Alan Davis
ParticipantSteve, thank you for the many personal threads you weave in your conscious soul connection of trees through shamanic journeying. Your sharing spoke to my own connection and sense beyond sense of trees and the energy/frequency/spirit of each being we are with in Community. Many blessings!
November 30, 2024 at 6:27 am #21309
Steve StaniekParticipantThanks for your kind words Alan. About 50 years ago we visited the Redwoods National Park in California, to see the famous giants: “Sequoia sempervirens”. As we stood quietly in these magnificent Redwood Cathedrals, I felt “a rising awe mixed with reverence”, and I felt my energy changing. The energy of these ancient beings was palpable, and when I opened my senses to experience the field they had been creating, it felt like soft timeless music flowing through me. When humanity learns to respect all life, we may finally discover the healing power of trees who are responsible for the greening of this planet. They also function as homes for our other spiritual allies the birds, who protect trees by eating insects, and help them propagate by spreading their seeds. Trees and birds form a spiritual network that covers this planet.
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