A LIVE & SELF-PACED ONLINE COURSE Beginning Samhain November 2024 The Irish Tradition Of Shamanism There are profound healing and mystical rewards waiting for us all, held in the ever loving arms of our Ancestors who bring us into the luminous lineage, heritage and tradition of this sacred isle. To take the Medicine Spiral Journey […]
Five Tuesday night classes on Zoom Stating November 19th. All classes are recorded for those who cannot attend live. This class will take you deeply into the tradition of Celtic Shamanism. This time of year is perfect to open or deepen your relationship to two incredible emissaries of the divine feminine. They can be called […]
Grab your coffee, tea or smoothie and join Lena for wisdoms, practices and suggestions designed to set up your week in the best way possible. 45 minutes, including live Q&A on zoom. Join live or recorded for 48 hours afterward
NEXT SHAMANISM WITHOUT BORDERS CALL-TO-ACTION GIVING THANKS LED BY NANCY LANKSTON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH 11:00 AM MOUNTAIN TIME COST: FREE Let’s gather together to connect and honor Mama Earth. We will offer our deep gratitude for everything Mama Earth provides for us, and ask how we can help and support our beautiful Earth today and […]
A 3-month foundational course designed to provide you with all the tools necessary to lead effective, powerful, unique ceremonies. Whether you’re just starting to lead ceremony or have lots of […]
We are truly honoured to be known as two of Ireland’s foremost keepers of this native lineage of indigenous Irish Celtic Shamanism. We are also husband and wife and our life’s calling is the care, celebration and sharing of Ireland’s ancestral tradition of nature-based spirituality, healing and wisdom. Experience an Introduction to Irish Celtic Shamanism […]
Grab your coffee, tea or smoothie and join Lena for wisdoms, practices and suggestions designed to set up your week in the best way possible. 45 minutes, including live Q&A on zoom. Join live or recorded for 48 hours afterward
Join Lena for a remote shamanic healing and wisdom session working with the energies of the New Moon. Always a good clearing and Lena's powerful icaros. Monday, December 2nd at 7pm MDT on zoom. Join live or recorded for 48 hours afterward.
Join Jose and Lena tomorrow, December 5th at 7pm MST for TRENDS 2025! This live, 2- hour presentation will give you insights during these times into where we have been and where we are headed. This annual year-ahead forecast will be recorded and a recording link will be available for a limited time after the […]
A Guided Healing Shamanic Journey Is.. A guided shamanic journey is both similar to, yet very different from a guided meditation. Shamanic journeying is an active practice, and I guide journeys in a way that opens a safe, pristine, calm, healing space for you to intentionally ask your spirit guides (and/or well as Spirit / God […]
As we move into the season of gratitude and generosity, let's honor and give thanks to Nature for being a sacred mirror, a source of inspiration, wisdom, and abundance for us. While I’ll give guidance and structure, you’ll also have the freedom to ask Nature for support or clarity regarding whatever feels alive in your […]
Grab your coffee, tea or smoothie and join Lena for wisdoms, practices and suggestions designed to set up your week in the best way possible. 45 minutes, including live Q&A on zoom. Join live or recorded for 48 hours afterward
A 3-month foundational course designed to provide you with all the tools necessary to lead effective, powerful, unique ceremonies. Whether you’re just starting to lead ceremony or have lots of […]
A Weekly, Three-Month, Drop-in as you Wish Gathering to Dream, Meditate and Write/Draw/Paint on Zoom with Cassandra Hamilton TURN TO CREATIVITY for balance, restoration and inspiration. Each week we’ll: MEDITATE DREAM WITH THE DRUM (shamanic journey) WRITE/DRAW (your choice). CREATE WHAT YOU WANT. EXPLORE OR WORK ON A PROJECT. Attend however many sessions of this […]
Walking the Beauty Way An Apprenticeship Exploring Shamanism as a Personal Spiritual Practice 5-Weekend Study Series with Ana H. Larramendi Class will be held at Bethel Horizons Retreat Center near Dodgeville, WI. Meetings begin at 7:00pm Friday and end at 3:00pm Sunday. We meet every other month. How do we live a life of […]
Please email me at walkbtwnworlds@gmail.com to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up. This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic practitioner to participate. We meet monthly to help people, animals, and plants transition to the other side of […]
You'll experience the power of inner gardening and begin to create and work with your spiritual team. You'll learn to work with your bowl of light. Having trained with Dr. Hank Wesselman in Hawaiian Shamanism for 15 years, I happily teach others this beautiful tradition. Please register by December 9, 2024.
Time is on GMT/UK Time The LODG group has been meeting since 1997. The aim is to provide a safe working environment to practice core shamanic techniques for people who have done an introductory course. It also gives the opportunity to talk about shamanic experiences with others and to foster shamanic community. Within the core […]
Grab your coffee, tea or smoothie and join Lena for wisdoms, practices and suggestions designed to set up your week in the best way possible. 45 minutes, including live Q&A on zoom. Join live or recorded for 48 hours afterward
A Weekly, Three-Month, Drop-in as you Wish Gathering to Dream, Meditate and Write/Draw/Paint on Zoom with Cassandra Hamilton TURN TO CREATIVITY for balance, restoration and inspiration. Each week we’ll: MEDITATE DREAM WITH THE DRUM (shamanic journey) WRITE/DRAW (your choice). CREATE WHAT YOU WANT. EXPLORE OR WORK ON A PROJECT. Attend however many sessions of this […]
We are currently accepting applications to our One Year Shamanic Studies Program. Graduates of this program are eligible for further training and travel opportunities. The purpose of this program is to learn about the shamanic path, from ancient to modern through powerful practices, ceremonies, lots of time in nature, wilderness solos and other shamanic experiences, […]
The winter/spring 2025 Apprenticeship meets on Monday evenings weekly via Zoom, starting January 6th, 2025, with plant materials shipped to you in advance. This Apprenticeship is hands-on with the plants! Our focus will be plant magic and ancestral plant lineages and how we connect with them. Instead of our usual human centric and human focused […]
THIS CEREMONY WILL BE HOSTED OUTDOORS. In the very rare event that we have to cancel, the only way to know stay in the loop is to mark “going” on Meetup or Facebook, or email me here to RSVP, then check your email or Meetup or Facebook couple hours prior. We hope you'll join us […]
WINTER SOLSTICE CEREMONY Join Board of Directors member Dr Karen Ward and husband John Cantwell, co-directors of www.slianchroi.ie (www.pathwayoftheheart.ie) online from Ireland on Saturday, December 21st at 3:00 PM Mountain Time for a traditional Irish Celtic honouring of peak darkness at the return of the light. Earlier at dawn, both will have led sunrise community […]
Shamanic practitioner Joan Levergood invites you to join her for a Winter Solstice Ceremony honoring the season of darkness and our annual renewal through the return of the Sun. We will connect with our helping spirits and the benevolent beings of the season to celebrate the wisdom and peace of the short days and […]
A Guided Healing Shamanic Journey Is.. A guided shamanic journey is both similar to, yet very different from a guided meditation. Shamanic journeying is an active practice, and I guide journeys in a way that opens a safe, pristine, calm, healing space for you to intentionally ask your spirit guides (and/or well as Spirit […]
A 3-month foundational course designed to provide you with all the tools necessary to lead effective, powerful, unique ceremonies. Whether you’re just starting to lead ceremony or have lots of […]
Are you interested in connecting directly with our members? Do you have a service or product you would like to share through our directory? Consider becoming a member of the Society for Shamanic Practice.
Benefits Include:
+ Being part of an international community of people dedicated to walking a shamanic path
+ Full access and a profile in our member directory where you can list services and products as well as connect with other members
+ Ability to post and contribute to our members-only forum
+ First peak at our new monthly article and audio releases
+ Invitation to our members-only quarterly medicine wheel ceremonies
+ 10% or greater discounts on special events and new product releases
+ Feel good knowing you are supporting a non-profit organization dedicated to the integration of shamanism in the 21st century