Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event. The Earth is our only home. Estimates state that as much as 77% of the land and 87% of the ocean have been modified by humans in destructive ways to our environment, primarily driven by the high demand for...
Author Profile
Yana Aryze
Yana Aryze
Tending to Racial Discrimination
This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action The lie of separation has created patterns of discrimination and viewing other humans through the lens of “separate” and “other”, often resulting in judgement, anger, violence, and war. It is found on all levels of...
Tending to the Loss of Trees
This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action Trees play an essential role on our planet. They are vital parts of balancing our ecosystems, storing carbon, providing shelter and food, cleaning air, and maintaining soil health. Yet in recent years the planet has...
Tending to Gender-based Oppression
This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action Gender-based oppression affects our planet on multiple levels, globally, politically, and inter-personally, infringing on physical safety, basic freedoms, and human rights.Please join Yana Aryze and Lisha Hengeveld...