Tending to Gender-based Oppression

by Jan 26, 2023

This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action

Gender-based oppression affects our planet on multiple levels, globally, politically, and inter-personally, infringing on physical safety, basic freedoms, and human rights.

Please join Yana Aryze and Lisha Hengeveld for this Shamanism Without Borders tending. From a place of neutrality, we will seek to learn what each of us can do to support those who are suffering as a result of gender-based oppression, and bring in greater acceptance, peace, equality, and honoring of our diversity.



Create a sacred ceremonial space in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by other people, or distractions. You could create an altar, light a candle, and have your shamanic tools nearby if you wish. You are welcome to rattle or drum along during the shamanic journey process.


Please note that we had some technical difficulties with Yana’s feed. Yana does most of the tending, but Lisha Hengeveld steps in and does the drumming and closing once we lost Yana’s feed.





Visit our Facebook Group to share comments about your journey, or visit the Shamanism Without Borders page to learn more about how you can get involved with this meaningful work.

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Yana Aryze

Yana Aryze

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