by Mar 16, 2021


The Tigray region of Northern Ethiopia is undergoing violent conflict. The scenario there includes the destruction of homes and farmland, many thousands of refugees and millions lacking basic resources, war crimes, human rights violations, genocide, and famine. Please join us in seeing how we may be of service to the peoples and land of Tigray and surrounding areas. Powerful change happens in the world when we attend to what needs addressing within ourselves.

Tending to Tigray will use the Shamanism Without Borders process to illuminate what needs attention within ourselves and the hyperlocal spaces in which we live. As we bring balance to these inner spaces, our steadiness lays the foundation for equilibrium to expand naturally into the world around us.


Create sacred space in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by other people or loud noises. Set up a small altar, light a candle, and have your shamanic tools nearby. You are welcome to rattle or drum along during the shamanic journey process.


Visit our Facebook Group to share comments about your journey, or visit the Shamanism Without Borders page to learn more about how you can get involved with this meaningful work.

About the author

Lisha Hengeveld

Lisha Hengeveld

Lisha is a Power Path trained shamanic practitioner and SWB Community Leader with the Society for Shamanic Practice. She has had the amazing opportunity to connect directly with the lineages and healing practices of the Huichol in Mexico and the Shipibo in the Amazon of Peru. She includes this deep-rooted work of song, feathers, rattle and drum, to hold powerful space for each person in their Shamanic Healing session. Lisha has a background in bodywork and trauma release and is attentive to the connectivity and relationships among our many layers of being. Available for sessions, in person or remotely, as well as house clearings and blessings. Call/text (812) 345-7939
Lisha is a Power Path trained shamanic practitioner and SWB Community Leader with the Society for Shamanic Practice. She has had the amazing opportunity to connect directly with the lineages and healing practices of the Huichol in Mexico and the Shipibo in the Amazon of Peru. She includes this deep-rooted work of song, feathers, rattle and drum, to hold powerful space for each person in their Shamanic Healing session. Lisha has a background in bodywork and trauma release and is attentive to the connectivity and relationships among our many layers of being. Available for sessions, in person or remotely, as well as house clearings and blessings. Call/text (812) 345-7939
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