Tending to Myanmar

by Apr 20, 2021


Myanmar, also known as Burma, is located in South East Asia. It neighbors Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, China, and India. The main religion is Buddhism. There are many ethnic groups in the country, including Rohingya Muslims. The country gained independence from Britain in 1948. It was ruled by the armed forces from 1962 until 2011 when a new government began ushering in a return to civilian rule.

On February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military staged a coup and arbitrarily detained hundreds of politicians, activists, and civil servants. Since then, crimes against humanity and acts of genocide committed against ethnic minorities are on the rise as well as increasingly restricted free speech and assembly, refugees lacking in basic resources, and human rights violations.

From a neutral place of non-judgment, Dave and Tally McCormack will guide us through this tending using the Shamanism Without Borders process.



Create sacred space in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by other people or loud noises. Set up a small altar, light a candle, and have your shamanic tools nearby. You are welcome to rattle or drum along during the shamanic journey process.


Visit our Facebook Group to share comments about your journey, or visit the Shamanism Without Borders page to learn more about how you can get involved with this meaningful work.

About the author

Tally McCormack

Tally McCormack

Tally McCormack is a Shamanic practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher and Evidential Medium. She completed the one year Shamanic Studies program, in addition to the basic and advanced practitioner training, with the Power Path School of Shamanism and has twice traveled to study with the Shipibo tribe of the Peruvian Amazon. Tally has volunteered for over a decade with the Reiki Fellowship of Dallas providing Reiki treatments to the community. She also worked regularly with a team of volunteers at Radical Recovery, a group providing support and Reiki treatments to cancer patients and their families. Tally lives in Santa Fe, NM and is currently holding monthly remote circles for intuitive and mediumship development. Contact her at tallymcgowan@gmail.com
Tally McCormack is a Shamanic practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher and Evidential Medium. She completed the one year Shamanic Studies program, in addition to the basic and advanced practitioner training, with the Power Path School of Shamanism and has twice traveled to study with the Shipibo tribe of the Peruvian Amazon. Tally has volunteered for over a decade with the Reiki Fellowship of Dallas providing Reiki treatments to the community. She also worked regularly with a team of volunteers at Radical Recovery, a group providing support and Reiki treatments to cancer patients and their families. Tally lives in Santa Fe, NM and is currently holding monthly remote circles for intuitive and mediumship development. Contact her at tallymcgowan@gmail.com
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