Releasing Trauma Patterns from the Blizzard in the Northeast

by Mar 18, 2017

Shamanism Without Borders Community Call with Genie Hobbs and Petra Loewen.


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About the author

Petra Loewen

Petra Loewen

Initiated by a Russian shaman in Germany where Petra grew up, nature and the elements were always present and important guides to her. Animals, Plants and Spirit Guides helped her during the many health issues and trials she faced growing up including a protracted whooping cough, several fractured limbs and multiple ectopic pregnancies that went almost undiagnosed and caused each time life threatening danger. While she was living in Munich Germany working on her Masters she also traveled all over Europe, Africa and Asia meeting with many powerful indigenous leaders and healers. She received official training from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in the three year Program with Susan Mokelke and has studied the FSS workshops with Michael Harner, Alicia Gates, Nan Moss, David Corbin and Dana Robinson in Spirits of Nature, Divination, Creativity, Dreamwork, Extraction Healing, Dying & Beyond and Power Soul Retrieval, as well as the HARNER SHAMANIC COUNSELING™ with Sandra Harner. A professional Aromatherapist , plant spirit medicine healer and weather dancer, she also works with sound and crystals in alignment with planetary constellations. Reverend Petra is a minister in The Circle of the Sacred Earth, a church of animism dedicated to shamanic principles and practices. For almost 20 years she served on several non for profits related to health and healing and after 9/11 participated in healing of the earth within a sacred hoop ceremony. The simple aim of forgiveness at the world trade center site started the practice of soul escorting in ceremony. Once able to purely become the "hollow bone" she performs healings on people, animals, land and homes. It is her honor and privilege to share the acquired knowledge by bringing the healing power from fully transcended, compassionate spirits to her clients. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
Initiated by a Russian shaman in Germany where Petra grew up, nature and the elements were always present and important guides to her. Animals, Plants and Spirit Guides helped her during the many health issues and trials she faced growing up including a protracted whooping cough, several fractured limbs and multiple ectopic pregnancies that went almost undiagnosed and caused each time life threatening danger. While she was living in Munich Germany working on her Masters she also traveled all over Europe, Africa and Asia meeting with many powerful indigenous leaders and healers. She received official training from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in the three year Program with Susan Mokelke and has studied the FSS workshops with Michael Harner, Alicia Gates, Nan Moss, David Corbin and Dana Robinson in Spirits of Nature, Divination, Creativity, Dreamwork, Extraction Healing, Dying & Beyond and Power Soul Retrieval, as well as the HARNER SHAMANIC COUNSELING™ with Sandra Harner. A professional Aromatherapist , plant spirit medicine healer and weather dancer, she also works with sound and crystals in alignment with planetary constellations. Reverend Petra is a minister in The Circle of the Sacred Earth, a church of animism dedicated to shamanic principles and practices. For almost 20 years she served on several non for profits related to health and healing and after 9/11 participated in healing of the earth within a sacred hoop ceremony. The simple aim of forgiveness at the world trade center site started the practice of soul escorting in ceremony. Once able to purely become the "hollow bone" she performs healings on people, animals, land and homes. It is her honor and privilege to share the acquired knowledge by bringing the healing power from fully transcended, compassionate spirits to her clients. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
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