Mosoq Chaquy Ceremony Recording Playback- A Global, Online Ceremony with Q’ero Paqos from Peru

by Aug 1, 2023

Originally recorded July 31, 2023

We are thrilled to welcome all in the SSP global community to this extraordinary online ceremony: The Mosoq Chaquy. It is a ceremony performed by Andean Paqos once a year to renew their vows to Mother Earth, which is a way to renew their power.

For more than a millennia among indigenous people of the Andes, August 1 is a day for the ceremony of Pachamama Raymi, when all households, shopkeepers, families and businesses make gratitude offerings to Mother Earth in thanks for her blessings, and ask for abundance in the coming year.

For Paqos (shamans) this annual ceremony is called Mosoq Chaquy. Paqos thank Pachamama (mother earth), the Apus (the mountains) and Ñust’as (the healing forces of nature) for their healing powers and request renewed energy to help them serve their community for the year to come.

Since all Paqos will be working from sunup to after sundown on August 1, our wonderful colleagues in Peru have offered SSP members the evening of July 31 to make a ceremony with them.

SSP’s online ceremony will be led by a group of eight Q’ero Paqos – shamans and healers from the high mountains of Peru. You don’t need to have direct experience with the Andean tradition to participate in this ceremony. If you have been walking the shamanic path in any form with sincerity, this ceremony is intended to help awaken more power, support, and trust in you. If you do have experience in the Q’ero tradition, this is a rare chance to participate in this ceremony with several experienced Paqos guiding it.

Wherever you are on the shamanic path – beginner to experienced, knowledgeable of Andean practices or not – you are invited to join in this ceremony. You can use this ceremony to bless and send love to the earth, to ask for support and abundance from her, and to ask for strength, wisdom, vision, and support to follow your heart’s path, and to renew and refresh your own power and commitment. This is also the time of the full (super) moon, which amplifies the energies all around.

Here are the instructions for preparing for the Ceremony

There is no fee for viewing the ceremony, but we hope you will consider making a donation to help us cover the costs of presenting this ceremony and other work like it in the future. (The costs are mostly payments to the Paqos)

Please Donate Here

Here are some links from the Wiraqocha Foundation, the Global Paqos School and the Cultural Center in Cusco, Peru.

Or if you would like to purchase any of the beautiful weavings you saw to click on Wiraqocha Foundation SHOP

They are hoping to get HEALTH CARE POLICY in Cuzco for all the Q’ero Paqos to complete the AYNI with them sharing their SPIRITUAL HEALING with us–so if folks want to sign up for healings or Coca Leaf Readings with our Q’ero Paqos they can do this at this special link–that is only Specially available to the SSP group for the month of August, Pachamama’s Month.


Please view the video recording below:

Here is a link to the chat that went with the live event – much info here!

Related Content: Audios | Prayer | Teachings & Stories

About the author

Elizabeth Jenkins

Elizabeth Jenkins

Elizabeth Jenkins is the Founder of the Wiraqocha Foundation for the Preservation of Indigenous Wisdom. The Wiraqocha Foundation is a non-profit educational and charitable organization dedicated to the preservation of indigenous wisdom and knowledge systems of the Q’ero people of the Andes of Peru – “the last true Inka peoples on Earth.” Website |  Facebook | YouTube
Elizabeth Jenkins is the Founder of the Wiraqocha Foundation for the Preservation of Indigenous Wisdom. The Wiraqocha Foundation is a non-profit educational and charitable organization dedicated to the preservation of indigenous wisdom and knowledge systems of the Q’ero people of the Andes of Peru – “the last true Inka peoples on Earth.” Website |  Facebook | YouTube
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