Meditation for Clearing the Soul Body

by Jul 26, 2021

Please enjoy this 15 minute audio from Dr. Steven Farmer. A meditation to clear the soul body of any energetic or psychic blockages. Feel the positive affects of this clearing and move into the wholeness that is you. Dr. Farmer will guide you through an integration of the heavens and the earth that’s inside you and all around you.

Listen to this as many times as you wish and feel free to download it for future use too.

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Related Content: Audios | Healing Methods

About the author

Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Healing Ancestral Karma, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, and Children’s Spirit Animal Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual and couple’s consultations in person or remotely by Zoom. He draws from a wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular Private Mentoring program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. For more information please visit his website  and Facebook Page:
Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Healing Ancestral Karma, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, and Children’s Spirit Animal Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual and couple’s consultations in person or remotely by Zoom. He draws from a wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular Private Mentoring program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. For more information please visit his website  and Facebook Page:
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  1. Hannelore Devlin

    Thank you, I enjoyed this but it didn’t sound like Dr Farmer’s voice, is that right?

  2. Cindi DiMarco

    Thank you, very relaxing!

  3. valerie boyar

    Thank you, Steven, As in the past, this was just right…….I hope you can continue to offer these short, useful meditations…with the elements as our companions.

  4. louise stanfiel

    enjoyed this meditation very much…thank you!

  5. Simon Kariuki

    A meditation to clear the soul body of any energetic or psychic blockages is very useful. The meditation can help many people solve problems of energetic or psychic blockages and be free again.
    Thank you so much Steven Farmer.

  6. Dr. Steven Farmer

    Thanks everyone for your comments! I’m glad that it is proving to be so useful.

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