Healing Through The Generations: A Guided Meditation

by Oct 24, 2018

What are you ready to release? What have you noticed within your family unit that you would like to clear, not only for yourself but for future generations? With the help of our ancestors, Archangel Michael and our animal allies, Dr. Steven Farmer guides us towards a deeper level of generational healing. Through this guided meditation, you are shown how to call on the exact ancestor that carried this particular concern. Through forgiveness and gratitude you can help to heal them so they may move even further through the various levels of spiritual evolution.

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Related Content: Ancestors | Audios | Healing Methods

About the author

Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Healing Ancestral Karma, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, and Children’s Spirit Animal Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual and couple’s consultations in person or remotely by Zoom. He draws from a wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular Private Mentoring program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. For more information please visit his website www.DrStevenFarmer.com  and Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Steven-Farmer/93018852583
Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Healing Ancestral Karma, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, and Children’s Spirit Animal Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual and couple’s consultations in person or remotely by Zoom. He draws from a wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular Private Mentoring program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. For more information please visit his website www.DrStevenFarmer.com  and Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Steven-Farmer/93018852583
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  1. Tell Bird

    Thank you. That was very powerful.

  2. Eileen Mullard

    Blessings to You Steven for a wonderful powerful healing meditation! Ho! 🙏🙏🌈💜😊 thank you

  3. windy Gancayco

    That was amazing. Thank you so much.

  4. Joanne Tremblay

    Thank you Steven for this wonderful healing <3

  5. Daniel Prechtel

    You have a gentle and clear style of leading in this ancestral healing meditation. Thank you. This is a helpful resource.

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