A Shamanic Perspective on Ancestral Healing

by Aug 25, 2021

SSP Board Member Ana Larramendi is interviewed about Ancestral Healing by Brooke Moran of the Reading Temple

The recording is about 1 hour and Ana touches on many aspects of Ancestral Healing and Trauma from a shamanic point of view. Ancestral Trauma is trauma that gets passed down through the generations and it is possible and beneficial to clear this with shamanic practices.

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About the author

Ana Larramendi

Ana Larramendi

Ana is a Board Member of SSP. She has been studying shamanic traditions since 1989 and is an international teacher of shamanic healing practices. She is a minister, public speaker, Vision Quest leader, wilderness enthusiast, ceremonialist, chef, translator and an initiated mesa carrier in the Inka tradition. She is a full-time shamanic teacher and healer at The Hollow Bone with a private practice in rural, southern, Wisconsin. She hosts intimate small group classes in her home, and also offers in-depth shamanic healing by phone, remotely, or sessions in-person. Ana’s earth work includes space clearings and blessings, and various land healing practices. She has spent her life weaving together her spirituality with nature skills creating a skill-set of tools for land healing and teaching students to detect and heal earth trauma. Website: www.thehollowbone.com
Ana is a Board Member of SSP. She has been studying shamanic traditions since 1989 and is an international teacher of shamanic healing practices. She is a minister, public speaker, Vision Quest leader, wilderness enthusiast, ceremonialist, chef, translator and an initiated mesa carrier in the Inka tradition. She is a full-time shamanic teacher and healer at The Hollow Bone with a private practice in rural, southern, Wisconsin. She hosts intimate small group classes in her home, and also offers in-depth shamanic healing by phone, remotely, or sessions in-person. Ana’s earth work includes space clearings and blessings, and various land healing practices. She has spent her life weaving together her spirituality with nature skills creating a skill-set of tools for land healing and teaching students to detect and heal earth trauma. Website: www.thehollowbone.com
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