A Meditation for Shamanic Wellness

by Apr 18, 2018

In this audio Genie guides a practice of calling on the Directions to assist you in claiming the knowingness of your true essence.

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About the author

Genie Hobbs

Genie Hobbs

Genie is a psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner and teacher who works primarily in the Denver area.  She’s been on a dedicated shamanic path for 15 years studying primarily with The Power Path School of Shamanism, also with indigenous healers from the Huichol and Shipibo traditions. Shamanism is an integral part of her life and forms the foundation for her ongoing path of personal growth and expansion.  With clients, she combines contemporary methods with ancient indigenous wisdom for restored connections to their hearts, their inner wisdom, and their personal power. www.geniehobbs.com/
Genie is a psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner and teacher who works primarily in the Denver area.  She’s been on a dedicated shamanic path for 15 years studying primarily with The Power Path School of Shamanism, also with indigenous healers from the Huichol and Shipibo traditions. Shamanism is an integral part of her life and forms the foundation for her ongoing path of personal growth and expansion.  With clients, she combines contemporary methods with ancient indigenous wisdom for restored connections to their hearts, their inner wisdom, and their personal power. www.geniehobbs.com/
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