A Bedtime Story: Lifecycle of a God

by Dec 31, 2019

This Bedtime Story imagines the Lifecycle of a God, of which dragon and human are parts.

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About the author

Shannon McArthur

Shannon McArthur

Shannon is a grandmother who who has accepted the challenge to Be a Part of the Change she wants to see in the world. She travels and teaches, writes and makes videos about the Magic in Ordinary Moments (MOM) that happen in all our lives, and how Spirit guides us.​ Shannon is a member of TravelingShamans.com and helped create the ShamansCamp, July 2019. Shannon is available for storytelling and ceremonies, sacred fires, salons and festivals. She can be reached at Sparklingwithall@gmail.com or OurHeartGardens.com
Shannon is a grandmother who who has accepted the challenge to Be a Part of the Change she wants to see in the world. She travels and teaches, writes and makes videos about the Magic in Ordinary Moments (MOM) that happen in all our lives, and how Spirit guides us.​ Shannon is a member of TravelingShamans.com and helped create the ShamansCamp, July 2019. Shannon is available for storytelling and ceremonies, sacred fires, salons and festivals. She can be reached at Sparklingwithall@gmail.com or OurHeartGardens.com
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