This is a Shamanism Without Borders Call-to-Action
The element of Air brings us a range of issues to work with. Aspects related to Air include weather, communication, air quality and our physical atmosphere, as well as birds and pollinators. Join Mary Olivar as we connect with the Air element to open ourselves to gaining clarity on how each of us may be of service in this.
Tending to Air will use the Shamanism Without Borders process to guide us from a place of neutrality in learning what aspect of Air is available for each of us to give our attention to, to support greater harmony and balancing on our planet.
Create a sacred ceremonial space in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by other people, or distractions. You could create an altar, light a candle, and have your shamanic tools nearby if you wish. You are welcome to rattle or drum along during the shamanic journey process.