Shamanic Healing for Animals

Shamanic Healing for Animals

Working with animals of all species, explore unique perspectives for animal healing that draw upon core shamanic practices. Students will develop a toolkit of techniques within a supportive, interactive, and experiential learning framework of instruction from a...
Teachings of the Shamanic Cosmic Christ

Teachings of the Shamanic Cosmic Christ

The Jewish and Christian scriptures can feel commonplace, a bit dry, and almost irrelevant to modern shamanic practitioners. Unfortunately, millenia of bad translation and flawed human interpretation have turned these sacred scriptures into weapons, flattened...
FULL MOON BLESSING for Prosperity, Peace & Fulfillment

FULL MOON BLESSING for Prosperity, Peace & Fulfillment

In this special Full Moon Blessing for the New Year, receive the guidance & illumination of the January Full Moon through this remote ceremony, clearing, and blessing. Working with the 4 directions and particular allies for this time, this blessing will include...
Crafting Good Endings + Wintering Well

Crafting Good Endings + Wintering Well

A four week course for creating effective endings and letting winter nurture your soul. DESCRIPTION This is a four week course in learning how to craft good endings in service to our true rest and power. Without good endings our energy gets tied up in the past, our...