Shamanism Without Borders
Global Response Network
Shamanism Without Borders (SWB) is a global response network of shamanic practitioners who tend to traumatic events around the world. We do this through shamanic journey to energetically tend to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, war, pollution, and anything that causes disruption and suffering to humanity, to the animal and plant life, and to the earth’s delicate bio-system.
In doing so, we seek to alleviate suffering, to restore balance and harmony worldwide.
We invite anyone who would like to lend their care and support to join these tendings, either by participating in a group tending or by tuning in on their own at a particular time to a particular topic.
Each tending is done from a place of neutrality so that we can be open to whatever information is available for each of us, rather than assuming we know intellectually what the situation needs. Every tending also emphasizes the practice of asking for permission, to ensure that this particular issue is something that is available for us to tend to.
Shamanism Without Borders began as a guidebook, written by members of the Society of Shamanic Practice, detailing a cross-cultural method for tending to these incidents. Since then the book has become a supportive tool for this work.
Shamanism Without Borders is led by a volunteer group of shamanic practitioners that we call SWB Community Leaders. Our Community Leaders facilitate SWB events within their local communities through in-person and online events, and to our broader global community through online events. SWB events are by nature community healing events and provide an opportunity for anyone interested in being of service to participate.
If you would like to be involved—
—Check out our Call-to-Action events calendar page for an upcoming Shamanism Without Borders tending held by one of our community leaders. You can sign up for the mailing list here to be informed of the next Call-to-Action and SWB events.
—Visit our SSP Events Calendar and search for Shamanism Without Borders events.
— Join the Shamanism Without Borders Facebook page to stay informed about when tendings and tune-ins are happening
— Access the Shamanism Without Borders Guidebook here or by clicking on the book to the right.
— If you are called to become more active in this work, consider becoming a Shamanism Without Borders Community Leader. The first step is to listen to the audio training in the blue box at the bottom of this page.
What does an SWB process look like?
When a traumatic event occurs, an SWB Community Leader will begin by asking Spirit what is needed. Based on the answer they will put out an announcement to gather a group for service.
“When we prepare for our healing ceremonies, we journey to the spirit of the situation to look for guidance. This might be the spirit of the land, the soul of a community, country or the spirit of a culture, or collective consciousness. We ask the simple question, “What would be the most effective way that we can be of service?”. Sometimes the answer is clear. Sometimes it is unexpected. Sometimes the answer is to not do any ceremony at all.
Because we conduct this journey with the assistance of our tried and true spirit friends of kindness, we can trust that their answers come from a place more resourced than we could find on our own. This sacred listening practice is revelatory and healing to all beings. As we are all connected through unseen webs, answering the call for healing in this way brings healing to ourselves as well, through a beautiful circle of offering and gratitude. Blessed be.”
~Provided by SWB Community Leader Tasara Jen Stone
Recent Call-to-Action Events
Find a full list of our past and future Community Call-to-Action events here.
Tending to Extreme Weather
Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders (SWB) tending event led by SWB Community Leader, Joan Levergood. In recent weeks, extremely destructive weather systems have caused suffering around the world. Ice and Snow Storms have occurred in the southern parts of...
Tending the Suffering Due to the LA Wildfires
Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders (SWB) tending event led by SWB Community Leader, Vicki Snyder-Young Due to the recent wildfires in Los Angeles, California, many are being affected. There has been loss of homes, loved ones, businesses, schools, and...
Giving Thanks
Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders (SWB) tending event led by SWB Community Leader, Nancy Lankston Let’s gather together to connect and honor Mama Earth. We will offer our deep gratitude for everything Mama Earth provides for us, and ask how we can help...
Access Our Free 3-Part Audio Training
If you are interested in learning more about the practice of Shamanism Without Borders and how to participate or facilitate this meaningful work, we invite you to signup for our email list and gain instant access to a free 3-part audio training. This is also the first step if you are interested in applying to become one of our SWB Community Leaders.