Lila Brown

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Lila Brown

About me

Being a carrier of the Emerald Crystal Consciousness and Ascension Light Codes, Lila has a continuous and direct connection into Mother Earth. She works with Beings of other star nations and realms in building a crystal lattice which expands through and beyond the “New Earth”; Crystal Matrix. The expansion of the crystal lattice is the pathway of humanity’s ascension and expansion into higher levels of consciousness.

Lila assists Earth’s kingdoms in awakening and transmuting from heavy downfall world energies into expansive Crystalline ascension energies. As she travels, she regularly performs energetic ceremonies of transformation: forgiveness and release allowing low-vibration energies to leave the Earth Plane; and replacement with high vibration energies of peaceful contentment, joyful bliss, and steadfast benevolence.
Consider following on Instagram to keep up with Lila’s energy work and travels.
Instagram: #crystalweavers

In addition to being a graduate of The Power Path’s one year program, Lila benefits from her primary Spirit Guide who is a highly respected Peruvian Shaman of Antiquity. Through his guidance and deep wisdom, Lila bridges the realms of antiquity with the worlds of the New Earth’s crystal lattice.


Minnesota and travels extensively



Lineage of Study

Core Shamanism, Other

My Service Offerings

Coaching/Counseling, Divination, Workshops/Trainings


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