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Business Name

Ancestral Flame Healing, LLC

About me

Finished a 3 year professional Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training (SHPT) with Susan Feathers (also in this directory). This training concluded in May 2024.

Currently, I am re-connecting with some of my ancestral spiritual practices of the Dagbamba people of Tamale, Ghana. I am joining the Diviners Track in 2024 to eventually offer Dream Intrepretations, Dreamwork Analysis, Rituals & Yara Yaras, and Cowry Shell Divinations.

Summer 2024 I will return to Ghana, one of my many ancestral lands, to meet the Chiefs, Elders, and other spiritual leaders of our community.

During Summer 2025, I am participating in an Iboga initiation ceremony in Gabon. This initiation cerement is two-fold; to open and connect deeper with the spirits of Nature & the Elementals and to join the sacred women group of the Njembe. This is truly a rite of passage and I am grateful for the ancestors whose spiritual presence have allowed me to know and re-connect with my ancestral lands and practices; knowledge of which was stolen from me due to the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

I hope to help others re-connect to the continent and to their spiritual paths, in general.

NOTE: Currently, I go by “Denisha” which is my government name. However, my website (and other future communications) has one of my spirit names, Malindora.



Experience Level

Shamanic Practitioner

Lineage of Study

African Shamanism, Core Shamanism

My Service Offerings

Shamanic Healing, Coaching/Counseling, Divination


While it is not possible for us to vet or screen each and every person who is a member of the Society for Shamanic Practice, we have established a code of ethics that all of our members agree to as a guide for maintaining the utmost integrity in the interactions and services they provide. Please review this policy and rely upon your personal discernment, as only you know what is resonant for you. And please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.