Energy Ecosystem Weekend: Creating Healthy Spiritual Boundaries

WholeSpirit Durham, NC, United States

Energy Ecosystem Weekend: Creating Healthy Energetic Boundaries 2 day event – October 9 and 10, 2021 Now more than ever, we understand the importance of managing our boundaries of self and other – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. For those who are sensitive, empathic, or generally affected by other people’s emotional states, being able to adjust […]


Energy Ecosystem Weekend: Creating Healthy Spiritual Boundaries

WholeSpirit Durham, NC, United States

Energy Ecosystem Weekend: Creating Healthy Energetic Boundaries 2 day event – October 9 and 10, 2021 Now more than ever, we understand the importance of managing our boundaries of self and other – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. For those who are sensitive, empathic, or generally affected by other people’s emotional states, being able to adjust […]

Event Series Shamanic Healing for Animals

Shamanic Healing for Animals

Zoom webinar

Learn to do remote healing for animals of all species. In nine weeks, explore unique perspectives for animal healing that draw upon core shamanic practices as well as other traditions. Students will develop a toolkit of techniques within a supportive, interactive, and experiential learning framework of instruction from a professional animal communicator who also practices […]


Shamanic Immersion

Online via ZOOM

Immerse in core shamanic practices of power animal and power place connection. Learn to channel spiritual wisdom,, do healing work with formulas, power songs and movement. Participate in ritual to empower the earth with healing energy.  Pre-requisite: some shamanic journeying experience. This class can be taken individually and is also part of a 9 month […]


Full Moon Blessing – Live & Recorded

Online , United States

You are invited to receive the bright and nourishing energies of the October Full Moon through this remote ceremony, clearing, and blessing. If you cannot attend live, a recording will be shared. By requesting an invite, you will receive a link to live event as well as to the audio recording.  To obtain an invitation […]

Event Series Shamanic Healing for Animals

Shamanic Healing for Animals

Zoom webinar

Learn to do remote healing for animals of all species. In nine weeks, explore unique perspectives for animal healing that draw upon core shamanic practices as well as other traditions. Students will develop a toolkit of techniques within a supportive, interactive, and experiential learning framework of instruction from a professional animal communicator who also practices […]

Event Series Psychic Development Class

Psychic Development Class

Online via ZOOM

These are small, personal classes that I offer live via Zoom to help you develop and control your psychic/spiritual gifts. We meet the third Tuesday of the month. No prior experience necessary, although if you are very new to this kind of work, I'd recommend going back and purchasing the first bundle of recorded classes […]


SSP 2021 Annual Virtual Conference: Shamanic Tools and Practices for Transitioning Times


The Society for Shamanic Practice invites you to join us for our annual virtual event in October! Shamanic prophecies have foretold these times for centuries. Now we find ourselves living them. As our planet and all beings go through enormous change and transformation, each one of us has a choice to make. How will we […]

Ocean Of Light School Healing Training: Teachings Of The Golden Sphere (8 Months)

Online via ZOOM

Learn esoteric meditation, visualization and healing techniques channeled by Leontine from the Goddess Isis and Healing Masters that will empower you to do life changing healings working in unique ways with light and vibrational frequencies. Pre-requisites: Psychopomp, Extraction, Healing With Spiritual Light or Medicine for the Earth, Soul Retrieval or permission of instructor. Dates and […]


Monthly Peruvian Shamanic Journey Circle – ONLINE


No experience necessary! Journeying is an essential skill of shamanism and opens the door to direct insight from spirit. Bring your curiosity and an open heart and join us as we explore the deepest aspects of the universe. We maintain a safe, comfortable environment suitable for all levels of experience and all traditions. We recommend […]

Event Series Shamanic Healing for Animals

Shamanic Healing for Animals

Zoom webinar

Learn to do remote healing for animals of all species. In nine weeks, explore unique perspectives for animal healing that draw upon core shamanic practices as well as other traditions. Students will develop a toolkit of techniques within a supportive, interactive, and experiential learning framework of instruction from a professional animal communicator who also practices […]


Event Series Bringing Sacred Song into your Practice

Bringing Sacred Song into your Practice

Online Awaken your Voice & Raise your Vibration! Your unique soul song wishes to be sung, to be brought into form. Bring Song into your Prayers — For any spiritual practice, adding the element of vocal vibration and song will amplify your prayers and increase your ability to express your deepest, most heart felt desires and […]


Backyard Shamanism Weekend: Finding Your Power at Home

WholeSpirit Durham, NC, United States

Backyard Shamanism Weekend: Finding Your Power at Home- updated 2 day event – November 6 and 7, 2021 Backyard Shamanism is getting a refresh for fall 2021! Instead of including journeying instruction we will go deeper with new content. Please join me for  Shamanism Journeying: Personal Pantheon course in September to learn to journey. During […]


Irish Medicine Spiral Shamanic Training Online & Live

Online via ZOOM

At the traditional time of Samhain (Nov. 7th 2021), our native Celtic New Year, festival of Ancestors, beginning of Winter and opening of the North Direction, The Medicine Spiral opens the great sun-wise sacred journey into the Irish tradition of the healing shaman. More than an apprenticeship, more than a significant year of healing and […]

$980 – $1135

Backyard Shamanism Weekend: Finding Your Power at Home

WholeSpirit Durham, NC, United States

Backyard Shamanism Weekend: Finding Your Power at Home- updated 2 day event – November 6 and 7, 2021 Backyard Shamanism is getting a refresh for fall 2021! Instead of including journeying instruction we will go deeper with new content. Please join me for  Shamanism Journeying: Personal Pantheon course in September to learn to journey. During […]

Event Series Psychopomp Journey Circle

Psychopomp Journey Circle

Online via ZOOM

I've been practicing psychopomp on my own for a few years now, but feel called to form a group of practitioners and others who wish to assist people and animals in the transition to the other side of life. We will meet online monthly, and work wherever we are needed most. This circle is free, […]


Irish Medicine Spiral Shamanic Training Online & Live

Online via ZOOM

At the traditional time of Samhain (Nov. 7th 2021), our native Celtic New Year, festival of Ancestors, beginning of Winter and opening of the North Direction, The Medicine Spiral opens the great sun-wise sacred journey into the Irish tradition of the healing shaman. More than an apprenticeship, more than a significant year of healing and […]

$980 – $1135
Event Series Bringing Sacred Song into your Practice

Bringing Sacred Song into your Practice

Online Awaken your Voice & Raise your Vibration! Your unique soul song wishes to be sung, to be brought into form. Bring Song into your Prayers — For any spiritual practice, adding the element of vocal vibration and song will amplify your prayers and increase your ability to express your deepest, most heart felt desires and […]

Event Series Psychic Development Class

Psychic Development Class

Online via ZOOM

These are small, personal classes that I offer live via Zoom to help you develop and control your psychic/spiritual gifts. We meet the third Tuesday of the month. No prior experience necessary, although if you are very new to this kind of work, I'd recommend going back and purchasing the first bundle of recorded classes […]


Full Moon Blessing – live & recorded

Online , United States

You are invited to receive the bright and nourishing energies of the November Full Moon through this remote ceremony, clearing, and blessing. If you cannot attend live, a recording will be shared. By requesting an invite, you will receive a link to live event as well as to the audio recording.  To obtain an invitation […]


Healing With Spiritual Light

Online via ZOOM

Learn shamanic practices of transmutation and transfiguration to shift your energies into a state of pure love to heal yourself, others and the planet. Learn to heal with sound and light, which are the foundation of all true healing and co-create a living healing ceremony.  Pre-requisite: some shamanic journeying experience. This class can be taken […]


Irish Medicine Spiral Shamanic Training Online & Live

Online via ZOOM

At the traditional time of Samhain (Nov. 7th 2021), our native Celtic New Year, festival of Ancestors, beginning of Winter and opening of the North Direction, The Medicine Spiral opens the great sun-wise sacred journey into the Irish tradition of the healing shaman. More than an apprenticeship, more than a significant year of healing and […]

$980 – $1135

Monthly Peruvian Shamanic Journey Circle – ONLINE


No experience necessary! Journeying is an essential skill of shamanism and opens the door to direct insight from spirit. Bring your curiosity and an open heart and join us as we explore the deepest aspects of the universe. We maintain a safe, comfortable environment suitable for all levels of experience and all traditions. We recommend […]


Irish Medicine Spiral Shamanic Training Online & Live

Online via ZOOM

At the traditional time of Samhain (Nov. 7th 2021), our native Celtic New Year, festival of Ancestors, beginning of Winter and opening of the North Direction, The Medicine Spiral opens the great sun-wise sacred journey into the Irish tradition of the healing shaman. More than an apprenticeship, more than a significant year of healing and […]

$980 – $1135
Event Series Bringing Sacred Song into your Practice

Bringing Sacred Song into your Practice

Online Awaken your Voice & Raise your Vibration! Your unique soul song wishes to be sung, to be brought into form. Bring Song into your Prayers — For any spiritual practice, adding the element of vocal vibration and song will amplify your prayers and increase your ability to express your deepest, most heart felt desires and […]


Shamanism Without Borders – Live & Recorded


You are invited to join this virtual circle which provides an opportunity for anyone who wishes to participate in being of service and support rebalancing. During times of disruptive or traumatic events, gathering in community with the shared intention of tending to these issues can be a powerful and effective way to actively express caring […]


A Moment of Bliss – Special Eclipse Healing Event

Zoom webinar

Join Megan Theoret & Delphine Blanc for a Guided Shamanic Breathwork & Channeled Light Language Event, Wednesday, Dec 1st @ 11am MST / 7pm CET, intended to help you receive and integrate the most beneficial energies of this potent Eclipse Season. Release the old. Receive and upgrade into the new. The eclipses have opened a […]


SWB Community Call to Action Event – Tending International Borders

Join Shamanism Without Borders for the upcoming Call to Action Event: Tending International Borders. Borders by their very nature are created to keep one group in and others out. There are multiple places around the world where conflict at international borders is currently causing suffering. This suffering comes from many sources. Migrants fleeing armed conflict, […]

Event Series Psychopomp Journey Circle

Psychopomp Journey Circle

Online via ZOOM

I've been practicing psychopomp on my own for a few years now, but feel called to form a group of practitioners and others who wish to assist people and animals in the transition to the other side of life. We will meet online monthly, and work wherever we are needed most. This circle is free, […]


Healing with the Ancestors

Online via ZOOM

Connect with your ancestors and their vast resources of wisdom and healing. Receive a vision with guidance to clarify your soul’s path and activate your gifts. We will journey to our biological, karmic and spirit ancestors. Join in ritual to heal your ancestral line and illuminate your past, present and future lineage with divine light.  […]

Event Series Bringing Sacred Song into your Practice

Bringing Sacred Song into your Practice

Online Awaken your Voice & Raise your Vibration! Your unique soul song wishes to be sung, to be brought into form. Bring Song into your Prayers — For any spiritual practice, adding the element of vocal vibration and song will amplify your prayers and increase your ability to express your deepest, most heart felt desires and […]


Full Moon & Solstice Blessing – Live & Recorded

Online , United States

You are invited to receive the bright and nourishing energies of the December Full Moon through this remote ceremony, clearing, and blessing. If you cannot attend live, a recording will be shared. By requesting an invite, you will receive a link to live event as well as to the audio recording.  To obtain an invitation […]


SSP Winter Solstice Medicine Wheel Ceremony

Online via ZOOM

Join SSP Board President Jaime Meyer for a winter solstice ceremony honoring the North, December 21st at 6 PM Mountain Time. The NORTH is the place of power, leadership, of good timing and right action. In this ceremony, we will work with the north on the medicine wheel, and with this year’s powerful winter solstice. HOW […]

Event Series Psychic Development Class

Psychic Development Class

Online via ZOOM

These are small, personal classes that I offer live via Zoom to help you develop and control your psychic/spiritual gifts. We meet the third Tuesday of the month. No prior experience necessary, although if you are very new to this kind of work, I'd recommend going back and purchasing the first bundle of recorded classes […]


Monthly Peruvian Shamanic Journey Circle – ONLINE


No experience necessary! Journeying is an essential skill of shamanism and opens the door to direct insight from spirit. Bring your curiosity and an open heart and join us as we explore the deepest aspects of the universe. We maintain a safe, comfortable environment suitable for all levels of experience and all traditions. We recommend […]


Dreaming into the New Year

Come meet your personal compass for 2022! ​In this workshop you'll dream aided by a shamanic drum to consult of your seven chakras for insight, inspiration, even planning for the months ahead. You'll focus on a life issue (such as how will you meet/cultivate a love interest?) or a project (like that business you wish to undertake or that book you want to write) […]


New Year Blessing Ceremony – recorded


A special ceremony, recorded in this New Year on the day of the New Moon, to powerfully support you in bringing clarity to your intentions, and in aligning you with your purpose and path. This ceremony welcomes the incoming energies of 2022 to bring in support for you to navigate this next chapter with confidence, […]


Shamanism Without Borders – Live & Recorded


You are invited to join this virtual circle which provides an opportunity for anyone who wishes to participate in being of service and support rebalancing. During times of disruptive or traumatic events, gathering in community with the shared intention of tending to these issues can be a powerful and effective way to actively express caring […]


SWB Community Call to Action Event – Tending to the Colorado Fires

Online via ZOOM

Join Shamanism Without Borders for the upcoming Call to Action Event: Tending to the Colorado Fires. The recent wildfires in Boulder County, Colorado have displaced or destroyed many of our relations. This fire occurred in just a few hours and was driven by extremely high, historic winds that destroyed 1000 homes. There are thousands of […]

Event Series Psychopomp Journey Circle

Psychopomp Journey Circle

Online via ZOOM

I've been practicing psychopomp on my own for a few years now, but feel called to form a group of practitioners and others who wish to assist people and animals in the transition to the other side of life. We will meet online monthly, and work wherever we are needed most. This circle is free, […]


Shamanic Personal Safety: Creating Sacred Protected Space

Online via ZOOM

When you practice safely, you practice with intention so that your energy is not only clean, but also is full and powerful. Over time, you will be consistently energized to do the work, the service to your clients, without being drained of your energy. Learn methods for protecting yourself in your healing work and in […]


Shamanic Deathwalking: Working with Departed Souls and the Dying

Online via ZOOM

Learn shamanic methods of helping the dying prepare for death and also learn to identify the souls of people who have died and are stuck and and help them cross over into the light. Participate in a group healing ritual for stuck souls. Class size is limited!  Pre-requisite: some shamanic journeying experience and Healing With […]


FULL MOON BLESSING – live & recorded

Online , United States

You are invited to receive the bright and clearing energies of the January Full Moon, the first full moon of 2022 and of this winter season through this remote ceremony, clearing, and blessing. Attend live or listen to the recording. By requesting an invite, you will receive a link to both the live event and […]

Event Series Psychic Development Class

Psychic Development Class

Online via ZOOM

These are small, personal classes that I offer live via Zoom to help you develop and control your psychic/spiritual gifts. We meet the third Tuesday of the month. No prior experience necessary, although if you are very new to this kind of work, I'd recommend going back and purchasing the first bundle of recorded classes […]

Event Series Shamanic Animal Communication

Shamanic Animal Communication

ZOOM Webcircle Webinar, United States

Carla is the original Shamanic Healer who brought core shamanic practice to animal healing. The shamanic journey makes animal communication easy, because our guides for the connection and help us understand what the animal is saying. Over 5 weeks your will learn to communicate with animals, and help them overcome fear, depression, anxiety and so […]
