Clearing Energy for Optimum Balance

infinity Foundation Highland Park, Illinois 1280 Old Skokie Raod, Highland Park, IL, United States

When you are connected and balanced, you respond rather than react to life’s events. Strengthen and optimize your connection to the sacred realms of Earth and Spirit. Sense the flow of the Divine and wash away the energetic debris of the mundane. Step into the world of lightness as you gain tools to harmonize the […]

Event Series Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Time is on GMT/UK Time The LODG group has been meeting since 1997. The aim is to provide a safe working environment to practice core shamanic techniques for people who have done an introductory course. It also gives the opportunity to talk about shamanic experiences with others and to foster shamanic community. Within the core […]


Utiseta The Northern European Art of Plant Communication and Mediumship


Utiseta, is the practice of “sitting-out” and being between realms. Utiseta is traditionally done outside in nature, although the modern practice can be adapted for indoors. There is a spectrum of relationship with plants that spans our well-known consumption of plants as food and medicine on one end, to a lesser-known energetic relationship with plant […]

Event Series Nature-Based Healing Course

Nature-Based Healing Course

Online , United States

Learn how to ground your shamanic practice in the healing energies of nature, and hone your capacity to interpret nature's wisdom. Experience transformative healing in elemental ceremonies supported by a loving community. Led by shamanic practitioner Liz Gomez, author of From the Depths of Creation: A Nature-Based Path to Healing, the course follows a Brazilian […]


SSP’s Winter Solstice Ceremony

Online via ZOOM

Join SSP Board Member and Shamanism Without Borders Leader Joan Levergood for a live Winter Solstice Medicine Wheel Ceremony honoring the North. The NORTH is the place of power, leadership, of good timing and right action. In this ceremony we will work with the north on the medicine wheel, and with this year’s powerful winter […]




Full Moon Blessing for Peace, Harmony, & Love a special event to welcome & bless 2024 Live & Recorded Live on December 26th, 4pm PT, 5pm MT, 6pm CT, 7pm ET Recording available until February 9th Register Here a special Full Moon Blessing, recorded live on the last Full Moon of 2023 Working with the 4 […]


Discovery Session for Walk in Beauty Sacred Valley retreat

Online , United States

JOIN US December 29th for a Discovery Session call to learn more -- Walk in Beauty is a 6-day/5-night immersive experience for women in soulful ritual, self-discovery, sisterhood & celebration amidst the sacred elements of the Andes. We will explore the power of authentic expression, being in right relationship with the natural world, building community, […]


How Can We Help, Mama Earth?


In these times of rapid change and chaos, it’s more important than ever to connect with Mama Earth and help in any way we can. Let’s gather together and journey to Mama Earth. Let’s ask how we can help her and all her creatures. What can we personally do to help this beautiful planet heal […]


Discovery Session for Walk in Beauty Sacred Valley retreat

Online , United States

JOIN US January 11th for a Discovery Session call to learn more -- Walk in Beauty is a 6-day/5-night immersive experience for women in soulful ritual, self-discovery, sisterhood & celebration amidst the sacred elements of the Andes. We will explore the power of authentic expression, being in right relationship with the natural world, building […]

Event Series Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Time is on GMT/UK Time The LODG group has been meeting since 1997. The aim is to provide a safe working environment to practice core shamanic techniques for people who have done an introductory course. It also gives the opportunity to talk about shamanic experiences with others and to foster shamanic community. Within the core […]


Shamanic Creativity Cleanse

Zoom + Online Classroom

15-Day Journey to Clarity & Vision What are you being called to create? How are you being called to serve? The earth is beckoning for new dreams, new ideas, new ways of being. The stars, the prophesies and our deepest knowing are all telling us that now is the time to create: a new world […]

Utiseta the Northern European Art of Plant Communication


Utiseta, is the practice of “sitting-out” and being between realms. Utiseta is traditionally done outside in nature, although the modern practice can be adapted for indoors. There is a spectrum of relationship with plants that spans our well-known consumption of plants as food and medicine on one end, to a lesser-known energetic relationship with plant […]

Seidr practice – Seidr Stepping the Issue

Online via ZOOM

Seidr Practice are regular events exploring different aspects of working with Seidr. These experiential online practice events are offered via Zoom on UK time. Practice events are for those who already work with seidr and have an ongoing shamanic practice. These meetings enable us to go deeper into using seidr for problem solving and healing […]


Shamanism Without Borders Monthly Call-to-Action: Tending to Drug Addiction

Online via ZOOM

NEXT SHAMANISM WITHOUT BORDERS CALL-TO-ACTION TENDING TO DRUG ADDICTION LED BY VICKI SNYDER-YOUNG THURSDAY, JANUARY 25TH, 11:00AM MOUNTAIN TIME COST: FREE Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event. Drug addictions are impacting the lives of our communities, our families, friends, co-workers and first responders. The overdose death rates are rising. The impacts are far […]


Walking the Shaman’s Path of Wisdom

Circles of Wisdom 386 Merrimack St #1A, Methuen, PA, United States

Deepen your partnership with helping spirits to bring wisdom and healing into your life and for the world. What if you knew that there were fully compassionate helping spirits who wanted to help you with your life? What if you could contact them at any time to get healing or guidance and direction for your […]


Shamanic Retreat in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

You are invited to a Spiritual Journey in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 29 January to 7 February 2024 Feminine Revolution invites you for our second Spiritual journey in Brazil with Andrea Arare and her teacher Carlos Sauer for 10 days of a combination of sacred ceremonies, working with Brazilian native indigenous people, and visiting Rio de […]


SSP’s Celtic Cross-Quarter Ceremony: Imbolg

Online via ZOOM

Join SSP Board Member Dr. Karen Ward and John Cantwell of Ireland for our next Cross-Quarter Celtic Holidays Ceremony, Imbolg on Thursday, February 1st, 2024 at 3 PM Mountain Time. Imbolg (also Imbolc) is the the Celtic Festival of Spring and like all Irish indigenous celebrations is a transition, an initiation, a gateway and a […]


Pulling Down the Stars: A Light & Sound Healing Ceremony

Circles of Wisdom 386 Merrimack St #1A, Methuen, PA, United States

Join Shamanic practitioners and master sound healers Leontine Hartzell and Lorna DiMeo for an extraordinary evening of healing. Leontine and Lorna each have decades of experience channeling through song the healing vibrations from Divine Source, the Compassionate Star Beings and Angels. The evening will begin with a short, guided meditation with crystal bowls and then […]


Dreaming Wild With Mama Earth


Let's gather together and journey to the elements and elementals to ask what we can do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance. How can we help Mama Earth and all her creatures to survive and thrive? In these times of rapid change and chaos, it’s more important than ever to connect with […]


Psychopomp Journey Circle

Online via ZOOM

Please use the link to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up.  If you go to sign up and can't select the class date, it means the class is full.  This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic practitioner […]

Event Series Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Time is on GMT/UK Time The LODG group has been meeting since 1997. The aim is to provide a safe working environment to practice core shamanic techniques for people who have done an introductory course. It also gives the opportunity to talk about shamanic experiences with others and to foster shamanic community. Within the core […]


In Pursuit of Joy – A Shamanic Lenten practice

Online , United States

“From joy people are born; for joy they live; in joy they melt at death.” - Yogananda Joy is for everyone, no exceptions. And yet it’s so hard to come by. So much can get in the way of our joy; overfull schedules, physical and emotional pain, sheer social media overwhelm, you name it. This […]


The Shamanic Journey – a path to healing, insight and empowerment

Online via ZOOM

Participants will be introduced to some of the main ideas and methods used by shamans for thousands of years including song, dance, rattling, basic shamanic healing and the techniques of the shamanic journey. At the centre of this practice is working with our own allies, spirit helpers who help us to find personal empowerment and balance. […]


Shamanic Journey to explore/heal past life karma


n this shamanic journey Vicki Snyder-Young will guide you to your journey place and drum while you explore any past life/  karmic issues. When you return she will walk you through clearing or healing what was uncovered. Please bring a candle, toothpick,  pen & paper and any tools you like to journey with. Zoom link […]



Online via ZOOM

NEXT SHAMANISM WITHOUT BORDERS CALL-TO-ACTION TENDING TO RACIAL DISCRIMINATION LED BY YANA ARYZE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND, 1:00 PM MOUNTAIN TIME COST: FREE Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event. The lie of separation has created patterns of discrimination and viewing other humans through the lens of “separate” and “other”, often resulting in […]


Full Moon Shamanic Journey


Join in the Full Moon Journey. We will open sacred space, smudge and take a journey to find what we are ready  to release. We will  then we  do a death arrow  to release those things to the fire. No experience necessary. Please bring candle, toothpick or small piece of wood to burn,  smudge and […]


The Journey Within

Villa Mahia Permacultural, Silvania, Colombia Vereda Azafranal, Silvania, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Never before has the expansion of consciousness been such an imperative for humanity as a collective and as a living part of the Pacha Mama. The calling is loud and clear: it is time to journey within to unveil who we really are: the weavers, the woven ones, the dreamers and the dream! But first […]



Online via ZOOM

NEXT SHAMANISM WITHOUT BORDERS CALL-TO-ACTION   TENDING TO REFUGEES LED BY NANCY LANKSTON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH, 11:00 AM MOUNTAIN TIME COST: FREE Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event. The number of refugees in our world has dramatically increased in the last decade. Tens of millions of people are being displaced from […]


Living Shamanic Skills: Introduction to Shamanic Journey Training Online


The ability to communicate with helping spirits through an altered state is your birthright…. Where did your ancestors come from? Do you know? They were the indigenous people of someplace, or more likely several places in today's modern melting pot. Introduction to Shamanic Journey Training helps restore you to right relationship with your divine spirit […]


Energy Essentials for Practitioners – Spring

on Zoom

Shamanic practitioners who are empathic and highly sensitive to energy face additional challenges when working with dark or heavy energy. Out of necessity, we must train ourselves to create strong, clear energetic boundaries in order to avoid taking on energy that could be detrimental to our well-being. This class is a pre-requisite for upcoming workshops, […]


Utiseta The Northern European Art of Plant Communication and Mediumship


Utiseta, is the practice of “sitting-out” and being between realms. Utiseta is traditionally done outside in nature, although the modern practice can be adapted for indoors. There is a spectrum of relationship with plants that spans our well-known consumption of plants as food and medicine on one end, to a lesser-known energetic relationship with plant […]


Dreaming Wild with Water


Mountain waters are beginning to thaw and flow freely. Spring is on its way. Let’s gather together and journey to the waters and ask what we can do to help them to clear and heal. How can we help our beautiful, watery planet to restore balance? Water is Life. Let’s connect and help water in […]


Living Shamanic Skills: Introduction to Shamanic Journey Training Online


The ability to communicate with helping spirits through an altered state is your birthright…. Where did your ancestors come from? Do you know? They were the indigenous people of someplace, or more likely several places in today's modern melting pot. Introduction to Shamanic Journey Training helps restore you to right relationship with your divine spirit […]


Psychopomp Journey Circle

Online via ZOOM

Please use the link to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up.  If you go to sign up and can't select the class date, it means the class is full.  This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic practitioner […]


Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Time is on GMT/UK Time The LODG group has been meeting since 1997. The aim is to provide a safe working environment to practice core shamanic techniques for people who have done an introductory course. It also gives the opportunity to talk about shamanic experiences with others and to foster shamanic community. Within the core […]


New Moon Shamanic Journey

Online via ZOOM

In this Shamanic journey Vicki will open sacred space then lead you in a journey to find what direction/goals you can be working on during this new moon phase. What are you ready to bring into your world? Feel free to bring smudge, candle, pen & paper and whatever other tools you use for ceremony […]

Opening Heart-Space with Spirit

Online via ZOOM

When you open your heart center, you can cultivate a deeper connection to yourself, others, and the world. Use Spirit’s exercises to reconnect with your inner compassion. As new sensations emerge, they serve as launch-pads to deepen your most important relationships. Soften and sink into your own reservoir of neutral, yet peaceful space. Cultivate openness […]


12 Day Encampment & Vision Quest Ceremony

Cadiz, Spain , Spain

Deep within your soul lies a fire that directs your passion and purpose. Often this flame lies quiet like the ancient whispers of smoldering embers; sometimes directed by those internal voices, not belonging to you, that came from another time and place. You reach out to your brothers and sisters and echo these words: WHO […]

$2800 – $3000

SSP’S Spring Equinox Ceremony – Medicine Wheel: East

Online via ZOOM

SPRING EQUINOX CEREMONY Join SSP Board President Jaime Meyer for a spring equinox ceremony honoring the East on the Medicine Wheel, Tuesday, March 19th at 6 PM Mountain Daylight Time. Working with the direction of the East helps us bring renewed energy, inspiration, and new possibilities for all beings, human and others. As we travel […]


Walk in Beauty – Sacred Sisterhood in the Sacred Valley

Sacred Valley, Peru

JOIN US January 11th for a Discovery Session call to learn more — Walk in Beauty is a 6-day/5-night immersive experience for women in soulful ritual, self-discovery, sisterhood & celebration amidst the sacred elements of the Andes. We will explore the power of authentic expression, being in right relationship with the natural world, building […]


Seidr Craft

Online via ZOOM

Seidr is a Nordic oracular shamanic tradition that uses the staff, the song and a ritual seat as key elements enabling the seidr worker to connect with the spirit world. The earliest accounts of working with song and the staff are from the Icelandic Sagas. They tell of Volvas – men and women who worked […]


Full Moon Shamanic Journey

Online via ZOOM

Join Vicki Snyder-Young in a Journey for the Full Moon. We will open sacred space, smudge, set the intention for the Journey. Vicki will drum as you journey to get guidance and release those things no longer serving you. No experience necessary. Please bring a candle, toothpick, smudge, any journey tools you like and a […]

Shamanic Training Medicine Wheel Program

Online via ZOOM

Transform Your Life and Learn Shamanic Healing! In this program you will learn the practices and the healing techniques of the shaman, so that you can bring this powerful healing to others while transforming your own life, expanding and deepening your journey, and stepping fully into your highest destiny. You will learn to work at […]



Online via ZOOM

NEXT SHAMANISM WITHOUT BORDERS CALL-TO-ACTION TENDING TO THE UNHOUSED LED BY VICKI SNYDER-YOUNG THURSDAY, MARCH 28TH COST: FREE   Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event. The number of unhoused people in the US reached an all-time high of more than half a million people in 2023. Many people are suffering as a […]
