About this Audio The intention for this Call-to-Action is to open, clear and connect the path from our heart to the heart of Mother Earth. Join Amanda Hovey as we then journey to a place or event that is need of this heart connection, ask how we can be in service...
Author Profile

Amanda Hovey
Amanda Hovey
Amanda is a performing artist, photographer/graphic artist, and ceremonialist. As a shamanic practitioner, she focuses on removing blocks that no longer serve the higher self nor the collective thus opening the door to one’s medicine through true life’s work. As a parent, she values the many opportunities for teaching and integrating the shamanic path with her children and strives to continue these teachings globally, cultivating this path for our future generations.
Amanda is the Director of Operations for the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, owner of Wild Crane Photography & Volunteer Front of House Committee Member with the Bastrop Opera House.