Dr. Steven Farmer interviews Gretchen Crilly McKay about the wisdom obtained from working with a Sangoma (African Shaman) through a divination process called throwing the bones. Gretchen is reunited with her African ancestors as she begins to cultivate the healing...
Author Profile

Gogo Gretchen Crilly McKay
Gogo Gretchen Crilly McKay
Gogo Gretchen Crilly McKay is a shamanic practitioner and Sangoma who lives in Laguna Niguel, CA. She has been practicing shamanism for more than 25 years, studying with master shamans in the U.S. and Africa. In 2001 she completed her traditional training and initiation in Swaziland, Africa and graduated in as Sangoma under the mentorship of Zulu shaman P.H. Mtshali. Currently Gretchen has a private shamanic practice where she sees clients and offers ongoing shamanic training for both beginning and advanced students.
Gogo Gretchen uses the African divination system of throwing the bones to diagnose the spiritual issues underlying dis-ease and family patterns; provides shamanic healing through spiritual extraction, soul retrieval and healing with spiritual light; uses medicinal herbs, flower essences, and aromatherapy to facilitate energetic healing through ceremony and ritual; and teaches workshops for ancestral and personal healing. She also offers two-year programs in advanced shamanic healing and apprenticeships for those called to this path.
Website: www.ancestralwisdom.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ancestral-Wisdom-111894932232270/