Call in the directions and your allies for extra protection prior to listening to this audio. If helpful, write a list of current fears you are wanting to transform and move through. After a thorough cleansing from tobacco, Deva guides us deep into mother earth where...
Author Profile

Deva Powell
Deva Powell
Deva Powell is a shamanic practitioner, spiritual coach and yoga teacher trainer. He has been professionally facilitating shamanic ceremonies for over a decade. His expertise includes: awakening intuition, building personal power, teaching the art of protection and boundary setting, transforming addictions and working with death energy.
Deva brings nearly two decades of shamanic experience to clients and students from all walks of life. He is available for private healing sessions, intuitive consultation, group ceremonies and space clearings. For further information, visit
Shamanic Offerings
There are specific locales on Earth that hold great power, contain the ability to heal and can quicken the awakening process. These areas, sometimes referred to as power spots, act as portals to the spirit world and often reside near natural expressions of beauty such...