Clients sometimes come to a shamanic healing session with a vague sense that a piece of pain they are experiencing is ancestral. They may have a general awareness that a parent or grandparent struggles with a similar issue. In the diagnostic journey, I ask my helping...
Author Profile

Debra Morrill
Debra Morrill
Debra Morrill, BA, has a shamanic healing practice near Baraboo, WI, specializing in ancestral healing and compassionate depossession. She offers a one-year ancestral healing series, a 2.5-year shamanic training program, and a one-year practitioner training program for ancestral healing. She also teaches the “Energy Essentials for Empaths” series. Debra has been in practice since 2005. Please visit for more information.
Unraveling the Red Thread –
The Gathering Place: A Safe Place for Ancestral Healing
When I first began my shamanic practice, I noticed early on that I had an affinity for ancestral healing. The client’s ancestors would appear in the session and share the story of the original wound in the family. Many of these suffering ancestors brought their pain...
Unraveling Instinct Injury and
Reclaiming Lost Power
There are some wounds that cut so deep that soul retrieval alone is not enough to heal. In many of these cases, the client’s natural instincts have been thwarted. (The term instinct injury was coined by Clarissa Pinkola Estés in her book “Women Who Run with the...