Your big question is not going to get answered.

by Sep 4, 2024

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About the author

Jaime Meyer

Jaime Meyer

Jaime Meyer is a shamanic practitioner living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the President of the Board of Directors at Society for Shamanic Practice. His background includes earning a Masters’ Degree in Theology and the Arts from United Seminary of the Twin Cities (1998) and studies on cross-cultural shamanism, mysticism and the spiritual uses of drumming from many cultures since 1983. His book Drumming the Soul Awake is an often funny and touching account of his journey to become an urban shamanic healer. Among others, he has studied with Jose and Lena Stevens, Ailo Gaup, Martin Prechtel and Sandra Ingerman. He also completed a two-year Celtic shamanism training with Tom Cowan. His website is
Jaime Meyer is a shamanic practitioner living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the President of the Board of Directors at Society for Shamanic Practice. His background includes earning a Masters’ Degree in Theology and the Arts from United Seminary of the Twin Cities (1998) and studies on cross-cultural shamanism, mysticism and the spiritual uses of drumming from many cultures since 1983. His book Drumming the Soul Awake is an often funny and touching account of his journey to become an urban shamanic healer. Among others, he has studied with Jose and Lena Stevens, Ailo Gaup, Martin Prechtel and Sandra Ingerman. He also completed a two-year Celtic shamanism training with Tom Cowan. His website is
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  1. Judy Liu Ramsey

    Loved the article. Reminds me of a bumper sticker i saw once that has seen me through many tough times. “SINCE I GAVE UP HOPE, I FEEL MUCH BETTER “. No investment in the outcome and no expectations.

  2. Tarwe Hrossdottir

    Wonderful article, so true about letting go all the hard way thinking

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