Meeting 2025 with Power and Joy

by Jan 9, 2025

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About the author

Jaime Meyer

Jaime Meyer

Jaime Meyer is a shamanic practitioner living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the President of the Board of Directors at Society for Shamanic Practice. His background includes earning a Masters’ Degree in Theology and the Arts from United Seminary of the Twin Cities (1998) and studies on cross-cultural shamanism, mysticism and the spiritual uses of drumming from many cultures since 1983. His book Drumming the Soul Awake is an often funny and touching account of his journey to become an urban shamanic healer. Among others, he has studied with Jose and Lena Stevens, Ailo Gaup, Martin Prechtel and Sandra Ingerman. He also completed a two-year Celtic shamanism training with Tom Cowan. His website is
Jaime Meyer is a shamanic practitioner living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the President of the Board of Directors at Society for Shamanic Practice. His background includes earning a Masters’ Degree in Theology and the Arts from United Seminary of the Twin Cities (1998) and studies on cross-cultural shamanism, mysticism and the spiritual uses of drumming from many cultures since 1983. His book Drumming the Soul Awake is an often funny and touching account of his journey to become an urban shamanic healer. Among others, he has studied with Jose and Lena Stevens, Ailo Gaup, Martin Prechtel and Sandra Ingerman. He also completed a two-year Celtic shamanism training with Tom Cowan. His website is
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  1. Gayle Smith

    Thank you, Jaime. I think this article is what I will tape to the wall of my bathroom!

  2. Margaret Barry

    Thank you Jaime. I especially need this today, our national day of mourning for our beloved past president and for all those devastated by the LA wildfires. You said it all. And it’s only January 9th 2025.
    I plan to read this everyday. Blessings and love to you.

  3. Deana Paqua

    Great article and resonates in a much more in depth and eloquent way, what I have been also feeling. Thank you.

  4. Apollo Moonfire

    Great piece. As I was reading I was taking notes. My daily spiritual practice will evolve. Prayers. Mantras (adding). Who knows how it will develop. Three of the new mantras is directly inspired/taken from your words are: I refuse to live in someone else’s small universe. I refuse to get lodged in outrage. Curiosity is my guide. I need to figure out how to make the first two positive. But it’s a beginning.

  5. Forrest itche iichiile Hudson

    Jamie…a very GROUNDED approach that reveals what might seem to be the “obvious” but, unfortunately we’ve/I’ve been unknowingly complicit in effecting its obscurity by fueling the chaos with my own “vitriol” in protest.

    Your writing brings into a focus a healthier alternative, kudos!

    On a side note…as we enter 2025 I would like to extend my gratitude to those authors who willingly share their perspectives each month on this platform and to the administrator(s) who allow others (like me) to offer comments.

    Personally, this platform provides me an opportunity to reduce my thoughts into writing and share my perspective. Not always comprehensible and even non-sensical at times, 🤪(Dyslexic/ADD).

    Ahoohee ( many thanks)

  6. Julia Elliott

    Ohh SO wise and helpful Jaime. I will read and think about your words often as 2025 begins. Thank you.

  7. Beth Rennig

    Very helpful in many ways. I appreciate that you put this together and shared.

  8. Lisa Mitchell Murphy

    Thank you Jamie, I felt joy and love and a sense of acceptance while reading this. I’m not a very good writer or artist but I do look forward to creating something that will give me joy without passing judgement on how imperfect it might be. Blessings to you

  9. Kate Solisti

    So many gems to keep me centered and focused on how to be the best version of myself in Service to LOVE. Thanks, Jamie

  10. Judy Liu Ramsey

    Thank you, Jaime. I’m reading this article, appropriately on the Lunar New Year’s Day. At this time every year, I set intentions and you hit every one of the ones I intend to practice this year. Laughing, joy, love, expansion are all in there. Much appreciated.

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