These three items will be raffled off from those who sign up for a SSP Membership up until December 31st. Drawing is in early January.

A 14 inch remo drum to be custom painted with your ally.
Value $250

A Traveling Altar: 10 inch Shipibo Icaro song cloth with the song to bring harmony, magic and mystery, A Wild-found turkey feather from northern NM, a Shipibo rattle, a Lemurian crystal, Purple Fluorite from Northern NM, a piece of Palo Santo and a small offering bowl.
Value $60

26” x 28” Shipibo Icaro Song Cloth. The Song of the Flower of Life for Healing.
Value $85

More info on the Shipibo Icaro song cloths: The Shipibo are one of 14 indigenous tribes living in the Amazon Basin in Peru. They are a shamanically based people, deeply influenced by the power of plants, animals and natural elements. A unique aspect of the Shipibo culture is their woven song tradition. The Shipibo hear and see the healing messages of nature and reproduce them as healing songs called icaros. They also weave these messages as patterns on textiles. The elaborate geometrical designs function like a musical score and correlate and interact with the natural world. The patterns and icaros have many different purposes, among them: protection, healing, abundance, and harmony.

Thank you to The Power Path for the donation of these raffle items.

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