Hello! For the 2023 Holiday Season SSP is doing a Membership Raffle Giveaway! Any membership bought between November 15th and December 31st will be eligible to win one of the following items or bundles: Three books written by Tom Cowan. Shamanism as a...
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Lally Testing full payment
Lally Testing full payment
Photos from the 2023 SSP Conference
From September 21-24, we enjoyed the fabulous SSP 2023 Conference: Teachings from the Land: Visible and Invisible Here are some photos from the attendees and presenters: Photos from Karen Ward and Mary Olivar: A photo from the SSP 2023 Conference: Teachings from the...
Raffle Items for the 2022 Membership Giveaway!
These three items will be raffled off from those who sign up for a SSP Membership up until December 31st. Drawing is in early January. A 14 inch remo drum to be custom painted with your ally. Value $250 A Traveling Altar: 10 inch Shipibo Icaro song cloth with the song...
Recall to Basic Consciousness
As we write this, hurricane Ian is approaching the west coast of Florida, thousands of young men in Russia are fleeing their homeland or risk incarceration for taking a stand against their country's war in Ukraine, and women in Iran are risking their lives to protest...