Voices Of Celtic Wisdom

Voices Of Celtic Wisdom

Voices of Celtic Wisdom A 4-month online program exploring the living threads of Celtic & other earth-based cultures of Ireland, Scotland, England & Wales With song, story, lore, and hands on craft-making workshops, including your own bundle of crafting...
Clearing Energy for Optimum Balance

Clearing Energy for Optimum Balance

When you are connected and balanced, you respond rather than react to life’s events. Strengthen and optimize your connection to the sacred realms of Earth and Spirit. Sense the flow of the Divine and wash away the energetic debris of the mundane. Step into the world...
How to Teach Basic Shamanic Journeying

How to Teach Basic Shamanic Journeying

When I have done shamanic healing over the past few years, I have empowered my clients by teaching them how to journey for themselves. Journeying has become an important practice for them to receive their own wisdom and direct revelations. If you would like a concise...