by Judy Liu Ramsey | Mar 13, 2023
When I have done shamanic healing over the past few years, I have empowered my clients by teaching them how to journey for themselves. Journeying has become an important practice for them to receive their own wisdom and direct revelations. If you would like a concise...
by Dave Eyerman | Mar 2, 2023
Surrounded and supported by the wisdom and energy of nature, this weekend retreat will help you return to living your life from your heart, rather than all from all the noise and static of the mind. Learn how to tame your unruly mind, moving it from a wildly...
by Iris Meyer | Feb 27, 2023
New moons are always potent portals of manifestation, and the new moon in March falls one day after the Spring Equinox, the start of the astrological year. This magical threshold helps us to call in the energies that we want in our life. Join me for a FREE channeled...
by Iris Meyer | Feb 27, 2023
March’s Full Worm Moon carries the energy of the quickening spring, of life returning after the long sleep of winter. Join me for a FREE revitalizing shamanic journey meditation at 8pm CET/2pm EST/11am PST to connect with this energy. We may also work with this...
by Joan Levergood | Jan 26, 2023
Deepen your ability to journey by taking your shamanic practice to the next level. Become more skillful in your shamanic journey practice by aligning more deeply with your power animals. Explore and find a special place of rejuvenation just for you in the lower world...