Much is written about the mystical and spiritual dimensions of shamanism, including how to work with the Elements, the nature of shamanic journeying, and the ins and outs of soul-level healing. However, what can get lost in the mix is the perspective underpinning all...
Author Profile
Dave Eyerman
Dave Eyerman
Dave Eyerman is a licensed acupuncturist and shamanic practitioner based in Amherst, MA. He works in-person and remotely, offering a unique combination of coaching with acupuncture and shamanic work to help his clients come into a space of greater inner peace and clearer soulful expression. He offers trainings and classes to help people cultivate a deeper understanding of their innate connection to the natural world. In addition to his healing and teaching work, he brings a shamanic approach to woodwork, handcrafting spiritual tools and power objects and giving fallen trees new life and purpose. For more information, visit and